
Covid-19の基本再生産数は同質ないし均一ではなくて異質性ないし不均一性がある、と仮定することによってSIRモデル推計の結果が変わって来る、という論考は本ブログでもここここここで紹介してきたところであり、また国内では西浦教授の試算の課題として議論されてきたところであるが、その問題を正面から取り上げた表題のNBER論文をタイラー・コーエンがお勧めとして紹介している。論文の原題は「Implications of Heterogeneous SIR Models for Analyses of COVID-19」で、著者はMITのGlenn Ellison。

The greater speed with which the apparent R0 can decline in heterogeneous models, particularly when matching is homophilic, also suggests that there may be more uncertainty than has been assumed in estimates of the impact both of distancing policies and of reopenings. The natural directions of bias are that we may overstate the impact that initial shutdown policies had in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and underestimate the extent to which the partial relaxations have accelerated the spread. It is particularly important to keep these biases in mind when estimates obtained in some region are used to provide advice to others.
A more optimistic implication of heterogeneous SIR models is that the COVID-19 epidemic may not be as bad as some models suggest. Models using growth rates estimated in the early days of the epidemic may overstate how rapidly the epidemic would have spread absent government intervention even if people had not taken it upon themselves to socially distance. And it is possible that epidemic growth can be slowed by herd immunity effects at prevalence levels substantially lower than naive models suggest. If so, the option of reaching herd immunity, becomes less unattractive, particularly if the herd immunity level being contemplated is that which applies when cost-effective mitigation measures, such as universal mask wearing, are maintained, and if extensive efforts are made to keep infections out of vulnerable populations along the path. The possibility that the impact of restrictive policies may have been overestimated also suggests that some partial reopenings may be less damaging than anticipated.
Another important conclusion, however, is that the optimistic message that reaching herd immunity may not be as damaging as feared should not be taken to imply that trying to reach herd immunity is more advisable than earlier analyses suggest. Models with heterogeneity also suggest that controlling the spread of COVID-19 may be easier than thought. For one thing, benefits similar to those which herd immunity provides can be obtained by implementing targeted measures to prevent high-contact people, e.g. health care and nursing home workers, those riding public transportation, etc., from ever being infected.