まずは、「専門家によれば、ワクチンは経済回復の銀の弾丸ではない(Vaccines won’t be a silver bullet for economic recovery, according to experts)」と題された4/15付けMarketPlace記事(筆者はKatherine Wiles)の冒頭。
COVID-19 is not going anywhere anytime soon, according to expert witnesses who testified at a hearing held by the Joint Economic Committee Wednesday on the state of COVID-19 vaccine distribution and its effect on economic recovery from the pandemic.
Dr. Céline Gounder, a clinical assistant professor of medicine and infectious diseases at NYU School of Medicine & Bellevue Hospital, testified that COVID-19 is not a virus we can eradicate because it infects other species. There will also be people who choose not to get the vaccine, she said, or might not mount an immune response, so “we are going to see ongoing transmission.”
“That means we can’t only rely on vaccination,” Gounder said. Vaccination is necessary, but not sufficient to end the pandemic. According to Gounder, the four phases of recovering from the pandemic are ending the emergency, relaxing mitigation measures, getting to herd immunity and having long-term control.
“I think of the pandemic a bit like a speeding car. Lifting mitigation measures too soon is like taking your foot off the brake before putting the car into park. With the emergence of more infectious variants, the virus is hitting the gas at the same time,” Gounder said. “Vaccination is like a parking brake: It works well once a car is in park, but not nearly as well when you’re racing down the highway.”
Gounder expects we’ll face a prolonged interim period where we can safely lift mitigation measures but where we haven’t yet reached herd immunity. “This means that even once restrictions are lifted, we’re unlikely to get back to business as usual right away,” she said.
Therefore, testing remains a crucial factor in getting the pandemic under control, she said. Paul Romer, a Nobel Prize winning economist and professor at NYU, also made the argument for more testing, citing the rapid outbreak and surge of COVID-19 in Michigan.
“I’d be carpet bombing Michigan right now with these at-home tests that people could take,” he said. “Let people take these tests, find out if they’re infected and isolate themselves right away.”
次に紹介するのは、上の記事の1か月前に書かれた3/16付けのVox記事であるが、そこでもローマーの言が引用されている。記事のタイトルは「米国のCovid-19検査数減少を大いに憂慮すべき理由/新たな変異株の先手を打ち続けるために検査は決定的に重要(Why the decline in US Covid-19 testing is so alarming / Testing is critical for staying ahead of the new variants)」で、筆者はUmair Irfan。
But to use tests effectively, one must first consider why we want to use them. “Any conversation about testing has got to start by saying there’s these at least three conceptually very different use cases,” said Paul Romer, an economist at New York University who has been studying Covid-19 testing throughout the pandemic. “When you talk about ‘we need more testing,’ the first question you’ve got to ask is ‘more testing for what purpose?’”
One purpose is clinical diagnostics, where the results are used to inform health care decisions about the person getting tested, like whether they should be isolated from others, whether they should commence treatment, and whether their close contacts should quarantine.
The next category is disease surveillance. Here, the results of Covid-19 tests are not necessarily revealed to individuals but are instead aggregated across a large population to keep track of how the virus is moving. This is used to help inform public health strategies.
The third category is screening. That’s where large groups of people who may not necessarily have a high likelihood of exposure are still tested regularly. Screening for Covid-19 can help people get back to work or get kids back to school.
The problem is that the US has been very reactive with how it deploys Covid-19 tests, using them mostly to confirm suspected cases rather than seeking out and filtering unseen infections. “We have generally as a nation overinvested in the use of tests in clinical care and underinvested in both surveillance and screening,” Romer said. So shifting toward a more proactive strategy in looking for the virus in broader groups of people would help contain new pockets of infection and permit more public spaces to reopen, even without widespread vaccines.
One of the reasons these tests have been slow to get off the ground in the US is that the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t authorize tests just for screening and is mainly interested in tests that are used for clinical diagnostics, according to Romer. That holds tests to a much higher bar than may be needed for quick, cheap, and frequent screening purposes.
“There is a non-trivial chance that we’re going to have another outbreak,” Romer said. “And we’re going to have another emergency where people are going to say we’re going to have to lock down again.”
It also isn’t too soon to start thinking about the next disease outbreak or pandemic. Many of the lessons learned with Covid-19 can apply to other infections, particularly the need for vigilance. When it comes to infectious disease, no one can let their guard down, and a robust testing system is the best way to keep eyes on the adversary.
最後に、両記事のちょうど中間期(=3/29)に現役の医師2人が書いたWaPo論説でも、検査の重要性が強調されている。以下はAbraar Karan*2とRanu S. Dhillon*3による「ワクチンは素晴らしいが、検査と追跡が感染を無くす/米国は1回目にしくじった対ウイルス戦術を導入する2度目のチャンスがある(Vaccines are great, but testing and tracing will stamp out transmission / The U.S. has a second chance to implement anti-virus tactics it botched the first time around)」からの引用。
While vaccinations are a key to controlling the pandemic — reducing severe disease as well as transmission — they may still not be enough to stop it single-handedly. In a recently published mathematical model, scientists in Britain found that even if 75 percent to 95 percent of people in that country received a vaccine that’s 85 percent effective, the reproductive rate would remain greater than 1 — meaning the epidemic would continue to grow.
...Testing remains all-important and is needed to detect hot spots early, which explains why the Biden administration designated over $12 billion for testing in its recent stimulus bill. If we can drive case numbers down through all the means at our disposal, we may have a second shot at meaningfully deploying a fundamental epidemic control strategy the United States failed to get right the first time around: test, trace, isolate (or “TTI”). We will need that strategy to stamp out remaining transmission chains.
Some may recognize the value of test-trace-isolate systems but question whether strengthening them is worth the investment at this point in the pandemic. Why not focus all our efforts on vaccinating people as quickly as possible? But the two approaches are complementary. Moreover, TTI infrastructure will be critical not only now, but for the future. We will probably have to revaccinate our populations with booster shots for covid-19, and TTI will remain critical for other infectious-disease outbreaks if and when they occur.
We still have too many covid-19 cases to make testing, tracing and isolating work — but that may change soon. And better TTI systems could be one key to finally ending the epidemic.
検査ー追跡-隔離システムの価値を理解しても、パンデミックのこの時期にそれを強化する投資価値があるかどうか疑問に思う人もいるかもしれない。できるだけ早く人々にワクチンを打つことに全精力を傾けるべきではないか? しかしその2つの手法は相補的なものである。それに、TTIインフラは現時点において非常に重要であるだけでなく、将来においてもそうである。我々はおそらく国民にまたcovid-19の追加のワクチンを打たねばならないであろうし、仮に他の感染症が発生した場合、その時にTTIはやはり非常に重要となる。