
エガートソンのNBER論文をもう一丁。以下はGauti B. Eggertsson(ブラウン大)、Sergey K. Egiev(同)による表題の論文(原題は「Liquidity Traps: A Unified Theory of the Great Depression and Great Recession」)の要旨。

This paper presents a unified framework to explain three major economic downturns: the U.S. Great Depression, the U.S. Great Recession, and Japan’s Long Recession. Temporary economic disruptions, such as banking crises and excessive debt accumulation, can drive natural interest rates into negative territory in the short term. At the same time, structural factors, including demographic decline and rising inequality, can depress natural interest rates over short and long horizons. A negative natural interest rate and the zero lower bound (ZLB) are necessary conditions for a liquidity trap. Credible monetary policy can counteract the adverse effects of short-run liquidity traps. Diminished monetary policy credibility or persistent negative natural rates may necessitate fiscal interventions. The framework sheds light on the macroeconomic challenges of low-interest-rate environments and underscores the central importance of policy regimes. We close by reflecting on the great macroeconomic question of our time: Will short-term interest rates collapse back to zero once the inflation surge of the 2020s moves to the back mirror and the political landscape in the US has dramatically changed?

最後の問いは、長期停滞が過去のものになったのか、というサマーズとブランシャールの議論で一つの焦点となった論点であるが(cf. 自然利子率と中立金利:過去と未来 - himaginary’s diaryおよびそのリンク先)、論文の末尾では、トランプの当選によって不確実性が増し、彼の数多の公約が貯蓄投資バランスと自然利子率にどのように影響するかは現段階では全く分からない、と述べている。


So this is finally seeing the light of day in JEL: Liquidity Traps: A Unified Theory of the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Started the project in ..... 2019. NBER WP. But if the suspense is just killing you, here is a link:
We try to synthesize a large number of models into a common framework that relies on two pillars: a negative natural rate of interest and the ZLB./2
We show several ways you can generate temporarily negative natural rates, like household or firm debt deleveraging or banking crisis./3
Yet some forces can lead to a permanently negative natural rate of interest, such as an increase in inequality, a slowdown in population growth or an extension in life expectancy, a drop in productivity growth, and so on. This is the secular stagnation hypothesis./4
The paper has two organizational principles: first, if the natural rate is temporarily or permanently negative, and second, what is the nature of the policy regime. The economy's reaction to virtually any shock relies on the policy regime in place./4
If monetary policy follows ZLB augmented Taylor rule or optimal policy in an MPE, multipliers of government spending are large, and the model is subject to all sorts of paradoxes for which there seems to be increasing empirical evidence we review. /5
If the policy regime is an optimal monetary policy under commitment, then the increase in government spending is met by monetary policy contraction, so of course, the multiplier is more petite, and no paradoxes 6/
Cochrane, for example, has written some papers arguing for small multipliers, but that is just because the policy regime he assumes is very close to the optimal commitment policy regime. 6/
We spent quite a bit of time relating all of this to the real world; lot of this work happened in "real-time" as people were making decisions. We show that the Fed was not following the optimal commitment regime, based on data and what the Fed itself was saying. 7/
Yet it was not MPE either; we see this by evidence that forward guidance did have an effect. So, some policy regime specification is needed to reconcile the various pieces of evidence, and we offer suggestions for future work. 8/
We also discuss in detail how the framework can be used to understand the recovery from the Great Depression, which started in 1933, and the second phase of it in 1937. 9/
There is a bit more abbreviated discussion of the Long Recession in Japan, which we argue is best thought of through the lens of secular stagnation, and the idea we review in detail. /10
I hope people find it helpful that we provide most of the results in closed form and have some extensions I like, e.g., to heterogeneous agents, build on my work with Krugman (2012), which is also all in closed form. 11/
In any case, I've not spent as much time writing any paper. It's now done, so there is no point in thinking about marginal cost and marginal benefit. But I hope at least somebody out there reads it and likes it. 12/
One problem is that we feel we have a lot to say, so it is 107 pages long. I hope this won't discourage you! /13
As a final note: The paper has 12-13 pages of references. I am fully aware of that I inevitably missed great many. My apologies. Please feel free to let me know if you think something is missing, and I can see if I can add more reference. /end
Almost forgot to tag my great coauthor Sergey Egiev @SEgiev

*1:前回エントリでリンクしたあるエガートソンのページにもリンクがある。そこでは、最初に書かれたのは2020年1月、Journal of Economic Literature掲載予定、となっている。

*2:cf. Eggertsson=Krugman論文への反応 - himaginary’s diaryEggertsson=Krugman論文への反応・補足 - himaginary’s diary。掲載版=Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher-Minsky-Koo Approach* | The Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford Academic