というNBER論文をケネス・ロゴフらが上げている(ungated版)。原題は「r-g before and after the Great Wars 1507-2023」で、著者は Kenneth S. Rogoff(ハーバード大)、Paul Schmelzing(ボストン大)。
We present new long-run samples of r-g series over centuries for key economies in the international financial system. Across a wide variety of econometric approaches, and including duration-matched constructions, we demonstrate strong evidence of trend stationarity in these series. Although we confirm trend stationarity, we find robust evidence of a major structural break in the first third of the 20th century. A multi-century downward trend in r-g appears to have levelled off in the years around 1930, and since then r-g has shown high volatility coupled with clear upwards pressure: notably, though real interest rates may still appear favorably low, aggregate growth rates are drifting downwards in advanced economies since the interwar period, creating secular pressures on r-g and debt sustainability. Our results stand in contrast to much recent literature and suggest the need for much more caution in assuming benign trends in global public debt sustainability. At the same time, when adding riskier elements of capital returns, the data lend support for structurally increasing "dynamic efficiency". We then associate the key 1930s inflection to the establishment and growth of welfare states in advanced economies, and the surge in non-defense, non-interest expenditures.
超長期データを使った短期実質金利と期間スプレッドの再考 - himaginary’s diaryなどで示したSchmelzingの超長期の研究の新たなバージョンであるが、今回はr-gに注目している。本文では、20世紀の戦間期だけでなく、名誉革命、ルイ14世の欧州戦争、ナポレオン戦争、クリミア戦争、普仏戦争においても、r-gが最低水準を付けた10年後以内に財政支出増によるr-gの反転(4%以上の増加)があったことを報告している。
*1:本文では「Figures 1 and 2 display two key series on r-g over centuries, constructing duration-matched nominal bases series as proposed by Lian et al. (2020). The latter construct r-g series using nominal 10-year maturity government interest rates and nominal aggregate GDP growth rates, both on an annual basis, averaging the nominal growth rate observations over ten years: in other words, g at t reports the average nominal aggregate growth rate over t to t+9.」と説明している。Lian et al. (2020)はPublic Debt and r - g at Risk。