
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「A Goldilocks Theory of Fiscal Deficits」で、著者はAtif R. Mian(プリンストン大)、Ludwig Straub(ハーバード大)、Amir Sufi(シカゴ大)。

This paper proposes a tractable framework to analyze fiscal space and the dynamics of government debt, with a possibly binding zero lower bound (ZLB) constraint. Without the ZLB, a greater primary deficit unambiguously raises debt. However, debt need not explode: When R < G – φ, where φ is the sensitivity of R – G to debt, a modest permanent increase in the deficit can be sustained forever, a policy we call “free lunch”. With the ZLB, the relationship between deficit and debt can become non-monotone. Both high and low deficits can increase debt, as the latter weaken demand and reduce nominal growth at the ZLB. A rise in income inequality expands fiscal space outside the ZLB, but contracts it at the ZLB. Calibrating the model, we find little space for “free lunch” policies for the United States in 2019, but ample space for Japan.
本稿は、ゼロ金利下限が制約となり得る状況下での財政出動余地と政府債務の動学を分析する解析可能な枠組みを提示する。ゼロ金利下限が無い場合、基礎的財政赤字が増加すると債務は間違いなく増加する。しかし、債務が爆発的に増加するとは限らない。φをR-Gの債務に対する感応度として、R < G – φの場合、赤字の小幅な恒久的な増加は永遠に維持可能であり、そうした政策を我々は「フリーランチ」と呼ぶ。ゼロ金利下限があると、赤字と債務の関係が単調でなくなる可能性がある。高水準の赤字と低水準の赤字はともに債務を増やす可能性があるが、後者についてはゼロ金利下限における需要を弱めて名目成長を低めるためである。所得格差拡大はゼロ金利外では財政出動余地を拡張するが、ゼロ金利下限においては縮小させる。モデルをカリブレートしたところ、2019年の米国については「フリーランチ」政策の余地はほとんどなかったが、日本については潤沢に存在した。


Finally, the notion of a free lunch formalizes an intuition that is often associated with “Modern Monetary Theory” (MMT). However, unlike common renditions of MMT (see Bisin 2020 for a critical review), our model spells out the exact conditions under which a free lunch policy works or does not work. In line with intuition by Lerner [1943], we find that a free lunch policy always exists if an economy faces a persistent demand shortage at the ZLB.

一方、日本の現状(z≒1.5%、b=238%の黒丸)は、ゼロ金利下限にあるために財政赤字を減らすとむしろ債務が増加する状況にある。財政赤字を増やせば債務は減少するというその逆説的な状況は、財政赤字GDPの3%弱に達するまで続く(その時の債務はGDPの120%程度)。その後は反転して債務は財政赤字拡大とともに増加するようになり、財政赤字GDPの3.5%で最大値z*に達する(その時の債務b*GDPの223%)。その点よりも債務を増やそうとすると維持可能な財政赤字は減少する。財政赤字をゼロ以下にしなくてはならないR > Gの状況に到達するのは債務がGDPの446%に達した時である(ちなみに米国は218%)。

This has important implications for fiscal policy in Japan. It suggests that modestly raising the deficit may reduce, rather than increase, the debt level in the long run.23 Vice versa, regressive policies, such as the increase in the Japanese consumption tax passed in 2012, may increase the debt level. Moreover, redistribution increases fiscal space and allows the government to reduce its debt.
The deficit-debt diagram of Japan in Figure 6 is the namesake of our title: Here, both deficits that are too low and deficits that are too high increase the debt. Intermediate deficits keep the debt constant or reduce it.


We focus on the economies at the end of 2019, before the Covid pandemic, to avoid misinterpreting temporary shifts due to Covid as shifts in long-run steady states.
The calibration thus suggests that projected U.S. fiscal policy more or less sustainable on the eve of the Covid-19 recession. Of course, the Covid-19 shock increased the debt level by a considerable amount. To the extent that the U.S. economy recovers to
the pre-Covid fundamentals, the same diagram in Figure 6 can be used to evaluate fiscal sustainability going forward.


*1:cf. ここ(H/T ジョン・コクラン)。

*2:cf. クルーグマンのサイトの同論文

*3:原注:An interesting extension of our framework would be to include inflation inertia. In that case, increasing the deficit in Japan would first raise the debt to GDP level, as the direct effect in (21) dominates; and then, as inflation picks up and the indirect effect starts dominating the direct effect, the debt to GDP level would fall again.