
直近のNBER Working Papersで財政支出の拡大余地を理論面から研究した論文が3本上がっているが、2本は拡大余地に肯定的で、1本は否定的である(ただし肯定的な論文の一本と否定的な論文はゼロ金利下限時を対象にしている)。
一つは、コチャラコタ(Narayana R. Kocherlakota、ロチェスター大)による「Public Debt Bubbles in Heterogeneous Agent Models with Tail Risk(テールリスクのある不均一主体モデルにおける公的債務バブル)」で、ここここの3項目目に関係する議論を展開している。以下はその要旨。

This paper studies the public debt implications of a class of Aiyagari (1994)-Bewley (1977)-Huggett (1993) (ABH) models of incomplete insurance in which agents face a near-zero probability of a highly adverse outcome. In generic models of this kind, there exists a public debt bubble, so that the government is able to borrow at a real interest rate that is perpetually below the economic growth rate. Given an equilibrium with a public debt bubble, the primary deficit and the level of debt are both strictly increasing in the real interest rate and in the fraction of government expenditures used for lumpsum transfers. There is no upper bound on the deficit level or long-run debt level that is sustainable in equilibrium. In a public debt bubble, regardless of its size, agents are better off in the long run if the government chooses policies that give rise to a larger debt and primary deficit.

もう一本は、ゼロ金利時の非伝統的金融政策や財政政策によって財政拡大余地は増える、という主旨の「Can Monetary Policy Create Fiscal Capacity?(金融政策によって財政拡大余地は創出できるか?)」という論文で、著者はVadim Elenev(ジョンズホプキンス大)、Tim Landvoigt(ペンシルベニア大)、Patrick J. Shultz(同)、Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh(コロンビア大)。以下はその要旨。

Governments around the world have gone on a massive fiscal expansion in response to the Covid crisis, increasing government debt to levels not seen in 75 years. How will this debt be repaid? What role do conventional and unconventional monetary policy play? We investigate debt sustainability in a New Keynesian model with an intermediary sector, realistic fiscal and monetary policy, endogenous convenience yields, and substantial risk premia. When conventional monetary policy is constrained by the ZLB during an economic crisis, increased government spending and lower tax revenue lead to a large rise in government debt and raise the risk of future tax increases. We find that quantitative easing (QE), forward guidance, and an expansion in government discretionary spending all contribute to lowering debt/GDP ratio and reducing this fiscal risk. A transitory QE policy deployed during a crisis stimulates aggregate demand.
各国政府は、コロナ禍に対応して大規模な財政拡張策を実行し、政府債務を過去75年間見られなかった水準まで増やした。この債務はどのように返済されるだろうか? 伝統的ならびに非伝統的な金融政策はどのような役割を果たすだろうか? 我々は、仲介部門を備えたニューケインジアンモデルで、債務の持続可能性、現実的な金融財政政策、内生的なコンビニエンスイールド、実質的なリスクプレミアムを調べた。経済危機時に伝統的な金融政策がゼロ金利下限の制約を受ける時、政府支出の増加と税収の減少は政府債務を大幅に増やし、将来の増税リスクを高める。量的緩和フォワドガイダンス、および政府の裁量的支出の拡大は、いずれも債務GDP比率を低め、この財政リスクを減じることに貢献することを我々は見い出した。危機時に実施される一時的な量的緩和政策は総需要を刺激する。

三本目ungated版)は、合理的期待の仮定を弱めるとゼロ金利時に財政政策よりも税政策が効果的になる、という「Fiscal Policy at the Zero Lower Bound without Rational Expectations(合理的期待の無い場合のゼロ金利下限における財政政策)」で、著者はRiccardo Bianchi Vimercati、Martin S. Eichenbaum、Joao Guerreiro(いずれもノースウエスタン大)。以下はその要旨。

We address the question of how sensitive is the power of fiscal policy in the ZLB to the assumption of rational expectations. We do so through the lens of a standard NK model in which people are level-k thinkers. Our analysis weakens the case for using government spending to stabilize the economy when the ZLB binds. The less sophisticated people are, the smaller is the size of the government-spending multiplier. Our analysis strengthens the case for using tax policy to stabilize output when the ZLB is binding. The power of tax policy to stabilize the economy during the ZLB period is essentially undiminished when agents do not have rational expectations. Finally, we show that the way in which tax policy is communicated is critical to its effectiveness.


*1:cf. ここ