
というNBER論文をタイラー・コーエンが「この種のマクロ経済理論は過小評価されている(This kind of macro theory is underrated)」というコメントを添えて紹介しているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Demand Shocks as Technology Shocks」で、著者はYan Bai(ロチェスター大)、José-Víctor Ríos-Rull(ペンシルベニア大)、Kjetil Storesletten(ミネソタ大)。

In the standard neoclassical model, output is a function of inputs such as labor and capital. There is no explicit role for demand because potential consumers are always available and Walrasian prices adjust so that all produced goods become used. In reality, customers and producers must meet in order for the produced good to be consumed, so value added depends on how well they are matched. As an example, consider a restaurant. According to the neoclassical view, the value added of a restaurant should be a function of its inputs (employees, tables, etc.), irrespective of the number of patrons and how hungry they are. Moreover, the restaurant owner would set prices so that all tables were in use. However, actual production takes place only when customers show up. The more customers demand the restaurant’s meals, the larger the value added will be. The idea that the demand for goods plays a direct role extends to many forms of production: dentists need patients, car dealers need shoppers, all producers need buyers.
This paper provides a theory where search for goods —which we, with some abuse of terminology, refer to as demand— has a productive role. The starting point is that customers search for producers, and a standard matching friction prevents Walrasian market clearing in the sense that all potential productive capacity necessarily translates into actual value added. Allowing an explicit role for demand has implications for business cycle analysis, especially for our understanding of the driving forces of business cycles. In our model, changes in search effort affect output even if conventional inputs remain constant. Demand shocks therefore influence the measured aggregate TFP. This paper quantifies how important this mechanism is for aggregate fluctuations, relative to more standard business-cycle shocks.


Our paper is consistent with Keynes’ idea that consumer demand can have real effects. We show that this holds true even in a neoclassical model with flexible prices, amended with a product market matching friction.



