本ブログではUCLAのDavid BaqaeeとハーバードのEmmanuel Farhiのコンビのマクロ経済学の論文を何回か紹介してきたが(直近は4日エントリで紹介した他の共著者との再開シナリオ論文)、同コンビの表題のNBER論文が上がっている(原題は「Supply and Demand in Disaggregated Keynesian Economies with an Application to the Covid-19 Crisis」)。以下はその要旨。
We study the effects of supply and demand shocks in a general disaggregated model with multiple sectors, factors, and input-output linkages, as well as downward nominal wage rigidities and a zero lower bound constraint. In response to shocks, some sectors become tight and operate at full capacity while others become slack and under-utilize the resources available to them. We use the model to understand how the Covid-19 crisis, an omnibus of various supply and demand shocks, affects output, unemployment, and inflation. Throughout the analysis, we focus on the role of the production network and of the elasticities of substitution. We establish that under some conditions, the details of the production network can be summarized by simple sufficient statistics. We use these sufficient statistics to conduct global comparative statics, and illustrate the intuition for our results using a nonlinear ASAD representation of the model. Negative sectoral supply shocks and shocks to the sectoral composition of demand are necessarily stagflationary, whereas negative aggregate demand shocks are deflationary. The effects of the former are stronger and the effects of the latter are weaker with stronger complementarities in production and in consumption. These shocks interact and are amplified or mitigated through nonlinearities. We quantify our results using disaggregated data from the U.S.
When there are complementarities (θ < 1), the negative supply shock in one factor market causes the downward nominal wage rigidity to bind and triggers Keynesian unemployment in the other factor market. By contrast, with substitutability (θ ≥ 1), the downward nominal wage rigidity constraint does not bind in any of the two factor markets and the model behaves exactly like the neoclassical one.
As long as θ > 1, the second kink is below the AD curve, and so the equilibrium is the same as the neoclassical one, because the AS and AD intersect along the neoclassical portion of the AS curve. Intuitively, when θ > 1, no factor market becomes rigid and so downward nominal wage rigidity is never triggered. Once the elasticity of substitution has been lowered to θ = 1, the Cobb-Douglas case, the second kink exactly intersects the AD curve. As θ goes below one, the second kink moves above the AD curve, downward nominal wage rigidities are triggered, and the equilibrium has lower output and higher inflation than the neoclassical model. Finally, as θ goes to zero and we approach the Leontief case, the second kink point moves directly above the first kink point, and so the reduction in output in the neoclassical model and Keynesian model become the same again.
ここで1番目の屈曲点とはAS曲線が水平になる点(Y = L'f)、2番目の屈曲点とはAS曲線が垂直になる点である。