
アストラゼネカの開発責任者だったアンドリュー・ポラード・オックスフォード大学教授が集団免疫の可能性を否定した、というニュースが話題になったが、シドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド紙が「AstraZeneca lead scientist says Delta makes mass testing pointless in UK(アストラゼネカの責任者である科学者はデルタ株によって英国の大規模検査は意味が無くなった、と述べた)」というタイトルを付けて転載した10日付のSarah Knaptonによるテレグラフ記事(H/T タイラー・コーエン14日付MRブログエントリ)によると、ポラード教授は同時に一種の検査抑制論を唱えたようである。以下は同記事からの引用。

Speaking to the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, Sir Andrew said: “Anyone who is still unvaccinated will, at some point, meet the virus.
“We don’t have anything that will stop transmission, so I think we are in a situation where herd immunity is not a possibility, and I suspect the virus will throw up a new variant that is even better at infecting vaccinated individuals.”
On Tuesday, Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, confirmed that third dose booster shots would be given from next month. However, Pollard argued that Britain could be continually vaccinating the population for no real health benefit if mass testing continued.
“I think as we look at the adult population going forward, if we continue to chase community testing and are worried about those results, we’re going to end up in a situation where we’re constantly boosting to try and deal with something which is not manageable,” he said.
“It needs to be moving to clinically driven testing in which people are willing to get tested and treated and managed, rather than lots of community testing. If someone is unwell, they should be tested, but for their contacts, if they’re not unwell, then it makes sense for them to be in school and being educated.”


There is the hyper-careful view found in “blue” locales such as San Francisco, there is Covid denialism (most prominent in the South), and now a third attitudinal alternative is emerging — what I call delta Straussianism, after the 20th-century political theorist Leo Strauss. Invoking Plato’s idea of the “noble lie,” Strauss had argued more broadly that polities could not look all social truths squarely in the eye: The “noble lie” in this instance is that it is better not to obsess too much over case numbers. Proponents of this attitude — let’s call them delta Straussians — simply proceed with their lives and business and hope for the best.
The delta Straussians also don’t want to debate safety claims very much. They fear that studying the data more closely will worry and paralyze us more, without much limiting the overall number of infections. In their view, vaccines have made things about as safe as they are going to get, and the contagiousness of delta will create lots of infections, albeit mostly relatively safe ones.


一方、同じ11日付の「Covid dispatch from a relatively non-Straussian country(比較的シュトラウシアンでない国のコロナ処理)」と題した後続エントリでコーエンは、タイムズ・オブ・イスラエルの記事を引用している。彼が引いているイスラエル保健相諮問委員会のタル・ブロシュ医師の見解では、大部分の国民が感染するのは避けられないが、ベングリオン空港を閉鎖することにあまり意味はなく、むしろそれは国内の疾病率という主要問題から注意を逸らすことになる、との由。コーエンは米国の主流派の専門家がそうした問題に未だ取り組んでいないことに非難めいた言葉を連ねている。

*1:この記事へのリンクに「A high-placed Delta Straussian(高位のデルタ・シュトラウシアン)」という言葉を添えている。

