というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Value of Statistical Life for Seniors」で、著者はJonathan D. Ketcham(アリゾナ州立大)、Nicolai V. Kuminoff(同)、Nirman Saha(サリー大)。
We develop a new revealed preference framework to estimate the value of statistical life (VSL). Our framework starts from a hedonic model of health care in which heterogenous individuals choose how much to spend on medical services that reduce mortality risk. Their choices generate an equilibrium survival function that can be differentiated to recover their marginal willingness to pay for mortality risk reduction. Our IV estimator uses survey data on Americans over age 66, linked to their federal administrative records. The mean VSL is approximately $1 million at age 67 and increasing in health, income, education, and life expectancy.
We linked US seniors’ Medicare records to survey data on their health and medical spending, estimated their value of a statistical life, and analyzed heterogeneity in the resulting VSL measures by age, health, education, income, agency, and knowledge of market institutions. Our main results suggest a mean VSL close to $1 million in the late 60’s, and lower values for older ages. The order of magnitude difference from conventional $10 to $15 million VSL figures based on compensating wage differentials is striking. One explanation is that the youngest individuals we study are more than 25 years older than the average worker, and in worse health. This is consistent with our finding that VSL measures increase with health and remaining life expectancy. Annuitizing our VSL estimates implies values per statistical life year that are more consistent with values obtained by annuitizing conventional wage hedonic estimates over workers’ lifetimes.
Our finding that VSL measures increase in health, income and remaining life expectancy suggests that VSL measures may be endogenous to the some of the policies they are used to evaluate, such as regulations on air pollution (Aldy et al., 2022). Multiplying a VSL measure by the number of premature deaths avoided by a policy will bias benefit measures toward zero for policies that simultaneously reduce morbidity. Such policies may trigger a virtuous cycle in which premature deaths are averted directly, but health is also improved, the VSL increases, and people make greater subsequent investments in their health. Extending our analysis to directly model how this dynamic complementarity works through the VSL to modify the benefits of regulations that simultaneously affect morbidity and mortality is an important task for further research.
VSL指標が健康、所得、平均余命とともに増加するという我々の発見は、大気汚染規制のような、推計に用いられる一部の政策に対してVSL指標が内生的であろうことを示唆している(Aldy et al., 2022*3)。VSL指標をある政策によって回避された早過ぎる死の数で乗じることは、同時に疾病率を下げる政策については便益の指標をゼロ方向に偏らせる。そうした政策は、早過ぎる死が直接的に回避される一方で、健康も改善され、VSLが増え、人々がその後健康により投資するようになる、という好循環をもたらすであろう。我々の分析を延長してこの動的な相補性がVSLを通じてどのように働くかを直接的にモデル化し、疾病率と死亡率に同時に影響する規制の便益を修正することは、今後の研究の重要な作業である。
*1:本文には「First, we test whether our VSL estimates are confounded by heterogeneity in agency. For example, our estimates could be inflated if physicians steer patients toward costly treatments that do little to reduce mortality risk. Alternatively, our estimates could be attenuated if family caregivers steer patients away from such treatments.」という記述がある。
*2:cf. 労働者はコロナ禍のリスクを過小評価しているのか? 賃金と死亡診断書のデータによる実証結果 - himaginary’s diary、統計的生命価値:メタ分析のメタ分析 - himaginary’s diary、ばらつく統計的生命価値:米陸軍再入隊の決断による実証研究 - himaginary’s diary、健康と富:パンデミックのコントロールの分配効果・補足 - himaginary’s diary。
*3:Looking Back at 50 Years of the Clean Air Act - American Economic Association。ちなみに人によって人生の価値は違う - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したAldyの共著論文もこの論文で参照されている。
*4:この図について本文では「Another way to summarize the results is to annuitize VSL estimates to calculate age-specific values per statistical life year (VSLY). Figure 3b converts our results to VSLY measures using remaining life expectancy from the US life tables and a 3.1% discount rate recommended for cost-benefit analyses by the US Office of Management and Budget (U.S. CDC, 2014; U.S. OMB, 2023). The resulting measures start just below $70,000 at age 67 and decline to $24,000 by age 87. This decline is consistent with evidence that the VSLY for workers aged 18 to 62 is an inverse u-shaped function of age (Aldy and Viscusi, 2008). At the same time, confidence bands include a mean VSLY between $100,000 and $200,000. This is consistent with values used in some studies to measure benefits of reducing exposure to air pollution and extreme temperatures among the elderly (e.g. Deryugina et al., 2019; Hollingsworth and Rudik, 2021; Carleton et al., 2022).」と説明している。