
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ*1)。原題は「Discovery of Unregulated Contaminants in Drinking Water: Evidence from PFAS and Housing Prices」で、著者はMichelle M. Marcus(ヴァンダービルト大)、Rosie Mueller(ホイットマン・カレッジ)。

Our understanding of individuals' response to information about unregulated contaminants is limited. We leverage the highly publicized social discovery of unregulated PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) contamination in public drinking water to study the impact of information about unregulated contaminants on housing prices. Using residential property transaction data, we employ a difference-in-differences research design and show that high profile media coverage about PFAS contamination significantly decreased property values of affected homes. We also find suggestive evidence of residential sorting that may have worsened environmental inequality.

この論文のタイトルと要旨を目にした時に「ダーク・ウォーターズ 巨大企業が恐れた男 - Wikipedia」を想起したが、実際、論文の本文でも同映画が注釈で言及されている。

*1:このページを見るとこの著者(Michelle M. Marcus)は一貫して公害問題を追い続けているようである。

*2:cf. ペルフルオロアルキル化合物及びポリフルオロアルキル化合物 - Wikipedia

*3:本文では「We find that housing prices decreased by about 42 percent in Paulsboro after the release of information about PFAS contamination in local drinking water supplies. Notably, the decreases in property values observed in Paulsboro were larger than the cost of installing a whole home filter, and we observe no rebound in property values after the contaminated source well was moved offline. This persistent and large decline in property values may reflect, in part, a lasting increase in public distrust and stigma associated with living there. We do not find any evidence of changes in housing prices in other water systems with elevated PFAS levels or in other neighborhoods close to identified PFAS polluters in general or the industrial source responsible for contamination in Paulsboro specifically. These findings are consistent with high publicity and public scrutiny of Paulsboro playing a role in the effect on housing prices.」と記述されており、報道やスティグマの効果が大きかったことが示されている。

*4:前注で引用した本文の後段では「We also see a decrease in white applicants for new mortgages, along with an increase in Hispanic applicants, suggesting an impact on environmental justice through residential sorting.」と記述されている。