
10年ほど前にケインズの穴を掘る話を貨幣鋳造における労働需要を増大させるという観点から解釈し、期せずしてビットコインと同じ考えに辿り着いたことがあったが*1、アニマルスピリットを増大させるという観点からその話を解釈した表題の論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。論文の原題は「Gold Rush vs. War: Keynes and the Economics of Digging Holes」で、著者はMichele Bee(ミナス・ジェライス連邦大学)、Raphaël Fèvreコート・ダジュール大学)。

This paper aims to fully exploit the heuristic virtues of Keynes’ famous ‘old bottles’ story, deploying a multi-layered argument and drawing out its broadest implications. We show that with this story Keynes was making a very serious point about anti-crisis policies: the need for authorities to stimulate animal spirits by relying on people’s natural impulse to action. Rather than taking the place of entrepreneurs and paying people to dig holes, Keynes seems to be arguing that public authorities should put entrepreneurs in a situation where they are so enthusiastic that they go into debt to dig holes, just like during a gold rush. At the same time, it is a question of restoring the banks’ willingness to lend for these over-optimistic projects in a period of depression. This article explores the conditions that make public intervention as effective as possible through the enthusiasm and individual initiative that can be generated by an artificial gold rush. Such intervention therefore can be as minimal as possible, without having to resort to the opposite authoritarian solution of war. Since the gold rush builds cities and wars destroy them, Keynes spent considerable energy convincing his contemporaries that liberal-democratic countries would have to take the former path if they wanted to avoid the latter.

論文の冒頭では、クルーグマンが架空の宇宙人侵略への対策を不況解決策の例として提示したエピソード(cf. ここ)が引かれている。
