There’s a debate within left-liberal economic circles over the relative importance of monetary versus fiscal policy in dealing with the economic downturn. Often you hear that all the stuff Bernanke is doing, from QE to Operation Twist, is a rejection of what Keynes would advise if he was living today.
Since we are looking at Keynes’ letters to President Roosevelt, let’s look at his 1933 open letter to FDR, published in the New York Times. Among other recommendations, he advises the new administration to do two things on the domestic front (my bold):
His first suggestion constitutes fiscal stimulus. But his second suggestion is urging the Federal Reserve to replace its short-term bonds with long-term bonds to bring down the rates on the long-term bonds — just like Operation Twist! Equally interesting, instead of naming an amount of Treasuries to buy, like $800 billion or $2 trillion, Keynes says to hit a specific rate. The Federal Reserve can either set a rate or an amount, and we’ve been doing QE through setting purchase amounts. Maybe this other way that he suggests, having QE set a target for long-term rates, is a better way of doing QE? He’s a pretty smart fellow.
彼の最初の提案は財政刺激策となっている。一方、彼の2番目の提案では、FRBに保有している短期債を長期債に置き換えさせて長期金利を引き下げることを勧めている――まさにオペレーション・ツイストのように! 同じく興味深いのは、8000億ドルや2兆ドルというように国債の購入額を挙げる代わりに、ケインズが特定の金利を目標として挙げていることだ。FRBは金利もしくは額を設定することができ、量的緩和は購入額を設定して実施された。あるいはケインズが提唱したもう一つの方法である長期金利を目標として量的緩和を実施することの方が、より良い方法だったのかも? 彼は非常に賢い人物だったのだし。