分離主義で重要なのは所得かアイデンティティか? 世界の3,003の地域の分析

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Is Secessionism Mostly About Income or Identity? A Global Analysis of 3,003 Subnational Regions」で、著者はKlaus Desmet(南メソジスト大)、Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín(マドリードカルロス3世大)、Ömer Özak(南メソジスト大)。

This paper analyzes whether the propensity to secede by subnational regions responds mostly to differences in income per capita or to distinct identities. We explore this question in a quantitative political economy model where people's willingness to finance a public good depends on their income and identity. Using high-resolution economic and linguistic data for the entire globe, we predict the propensity to secede of 3,003 subnational regions in 173 countries. We validate the model-based predictions with data on secessionist movements, state fragility, regional autonomy, and conflict, as well as with an application to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Counterfactual analysis strongly suggests that identity trumps income in determining a region's propensity to secede. Removing identity differences reduces the average support for secession from 7.5% to 0.6% of the population.
