
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Impacts of Covid-19 Illnesses on Workers」で、著者はGopi Shah Goda(スタンフォード大)、Evan J. Soltas(MIT)。この論文は既にWSJ日本版日経で紹介されているほか、タイラー・コーエン経由で要旨も邦訳されている

New short paper with @ipogadog: We estimate that Covid-19 illnesses have reduced the US labor force by ~500,000 workers & provide the first representative estimates of Covid’s direct labor supply effects.
Paper: https://nber.org/papers/w30435
How do we get to our number of 500k? Our approach is simple: impact = (# of illnesses) X (average severity of illnesses).
To count illnesses, we use excess (versus pre-pandemic) health-related work absences in the Current Population Survey.
To measure severity, we estimate an event study, comparing workers who get Covid to initially-similar workers who don’t get sick.
We find that workers who get Covid are 7 percentage points less likely to be in the labor force one year later.
We estimate that people with a Covid illness resulting in a week-long absence see an average income loss of $9,000 over a year, including labor force exits and changes in hours and wages.
Similar to the hospitalization impacts here:
Scaled up in the same way as the labor force loss, these wage income losses suggest a “productivity burden” of Covid illnesses of about $62 billion a year. That’s ~1/2 of comparable estimates for cancer or diabetes.
More results:
1) Larger effects on older workers (not much other heterogeneity)
2) Most of impact is on employment, less action on weekly hours or hourly wages
3) Labor force details suggest very persistent exit effect
We can’t see in our data which health-related absences are Covid and which aren’t, but provide evidence that the overall health absence effect applies to Covid specifically.
1) effects don’t vary in areas with larger/smaller Covid waves
2) can see it in summary statistics!
Our estimate (500k) omits two factors that can justify larger losses:
1) illnesses among people who weren’t in the labor force but would have entered
2) survey data miss illnesses occurring outside of the survey reference week
→ reasonable assumptions would add another 250k
Similar questions in other labor force surveys (AUS, CAN, EU, UK, …) mean our work can be replicated internationally. Our methods can also be used to track the pandemic and future public health crises. If this is of interest to you, please get in touch.
Our estimate is lower than that of Brookings’ @kathrynsbach, who projects a loss of 2-4 million workers:
Some key distinctions in our approaches:
1) we have a representative sample of HHs & a control group for the ill
2) we use a "revealed pref." approach to quantify LF exit rather than relying on self-attribution in surveys
3) we use same data to count illnesses & measure impacts
Careful estimates of the economic losses from Covid's health impacts can help policymakers accurately assess the consequences of various Covid-19 mitigation strategies and predict the reliance on social insurance programs, and are important inputs into economic policy decisions.
50万という数字はどのように得られたのか? 我々の手法は単純で、影響=(疾患数)×(疾患の平均的な深刻度)、として求めた。




  1. 高齢の労働者への影響が大きい(それ以外の不均一性はあまりみられない)
  2. 影響の大半は雇用におけるもので、週の労働時間や週給への影響はそれよりも小さい
  3. 労働力の詳細な分析からは、退出効果は非常に持続的であることが示唆される


  1. 地域におけるコロナ禍の波の大小にかかわらず影響が変化しない*1
  2. 記述統計量に現れている!


  1. 労働力に含まれていなかったが参入していたであろう人々における感染
  2. 調査では調査対象の週以外に発生した感染が含まれていないこと




  1. 我々は、疾患で健康に問題が生じた人々*2と対照群について代表的なサンプルを有している
  2. 我々は、労働力からの退出を定量化するに当たって、調査での自己申告に頼るのではなく「顕示選好」手法を用いている
  3. 我々は、疾患を数えるのと影響を測定するのに同じデータを用いている


*1:これはコロナ禍の影響が他の病欠と同じくらい問題だ、という趣旨のようである。本文からの引用:We find in Table 1 that, at both the 1-month and 12-month post-absence horizons, health-related absence effects do not change significantly when state-level Covid case and death rates are elevated relative to the national average. When the state Covid-19 case rate is one standard deviation above the contemporaneous national mean, the effect of health-related absences on participation one month later is statistically unlikely to be more than 1.4 percentage points (= 0.001+1.96×0.007) smaller in absolute magnitude. The difference is somewhat less precisely estimated at the twelve-month time horizon. Covid-19 absences appear about as harmful to participation as health-related absences on average.

*2:後続のツイートから、HHsはhealth harmsの略と解釈した。