というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「The Credit Supply Channel of Monetary Policy Tightening and its Distributional Impacts」で、著者はJoshua Bosshardt(Federal Housing Finance Agency(FHFA)=米連邦住宅金融庁)、Marco Di Maggio(ハーバード大)、Ali Kakhbod(UCバークレー)、Amir Kermani(同)。
This paper studies how tightening monetary policy transmits to the economy through the mortgage market and sheds new light on the distributional consequences at both the individual and regional levels. We find that credit supply factors, specifically restrictions on the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, account for the majority of the decline in mortgages. These effects are even more pronounced for young and middle-income borrowers who find themselves excluded from the credit market. Also, regions with historically high DTI ratios exhibited greater reductions in mortgage originations, house prices, and consumption.