
引き続きこちらで紹介したEcon Focus記事でリンクされている論文の紹介。以下はChristopher Clayton(イェール大)、Amanda Dos Santos(コロンビア大)、Matteo Maggiori(ハーバード大)、Jesse Schreger(コロンビア大)による表題の論文(原題は「Internationalizing Like China」)の要旨。

We empirically characterize how China is internationalizing the Renminbi by selectively opening up its domestic bond market and propose a dynamic reputation model to explain China's internationalization strategy. While previously closed to foreign investors, there have recently been major increases in foreign investment in China's domestic bond market. The Chinese government deliberately controlled the entry of foreign investors into its market, first allowing in relatively stable long-term investors like central banks before allowing in flightier investors like mutual funds. Our framework explains these patterns as the result of a government strategy to build its reputation as an international currency issuer while attempting to reduce the cost of potential capital flight as it tries to gain credibility.