
というリッチモンド連銀のEcon Focus記事をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Is Dollar Dominance in Doubt?」で、著者は同連銀のTim Sablik。
以下はMostly Economicsからの孫引き。

While there may not be a single obvious replacement for the dollar, that doesn't mean that countries haven't been diversifying into other currencies. The dollar's share of global foreign exchange reserves fell to a 25-year low at the end of 2020, to 59 percent from 71 percent in 1999.
Serkan Arslanalp and Chima Simpson-Bell of the IMF and Barry Eichengreen of the University of California, Berkeley, referred to this development in a recent IMF working paper as "the stealth erosion of dollar dominance." The dollar isn't being replaced on bank balance sheets by another single currency like the euro or renminbi, they found. Rather, most of the shift away from dollars has been into dozens of smaller currencies. They cited a greater desire for portfolio diversification on the part of central banks as well as the falling cost of transacting in smaller currencies as factors that have contributed to this change. This has led some economists to speculate that we could be heading toward a "multipolar" world of many different competing currencies, which could have some advantages.
"Just like biodiversity makes for a more robust global ecology, a multipolar system will be more robust," says Eichengreen. "In addition, an expanding global economy needs additional international liquidity to grease the wheels of globalization, and the U.S. can't provide the requisite safe and liquid assets all by itself."