
5日に公的債務に関するブランシャールの1月のAEA会長講演を紹介したが、アイケングリーンらが「Public Debt Through the Ages」というNBER論文を1月に書いている。著者はBarry Eichengreen(UCバークレー)、Asmaa El-Ganainy(IMF)、Rui Pedro Esteves(国際・開発研究大学*1)、Kris James Mitchener(サンタクララ大)。

We consider public debt from a long-term historical perspective, showing how the purposes for which governments borrow have evolved over time. Periods when debt-to-GDP ratios rose explosively as a result of wars, depressions and financial crises also have a long history. Many of these episodes resulted in debt-management problems resolved through debasements and restructurings. Less widely appreciated are successful debt consolidation episodes, instances in which governments inheriting heavy debts ran primary surpluses for long periods in order to reduce those burdens to sustainable levels. We analyze the economic and political circumstances that made these successful debt consolidation episodes possible.


Not all governments were able to implement this good equilibrium, however. Some countries defaulted and restructured their debts, often repeatedly. Inflation and financial repression were used to reduce domestic claims on the public sector. Episodes like that in the third quarter of the 20th century, when high advanced economy debts were brought down through a combination of rapid economic growth and budgetary discipline, were exceptions to this rule.

*1:cf. Wikipedia