米国の債務GDP比率の変動要因は何か? 吠えなかった犬

というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「What Drives Variation in the U.S. Debt/Output Ratio? The Dogs that Didn't Bark」で、著者はZhengyang Jiang(ノースウエスタン大)、Hanno N. Lustig(スタンフォード大)、Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh(コロンビア大)、Mindy Z. Xiaolan(テキサス大オースティン校)。以下はungated版の結論部。

The U.S. bond market’s valuation of a claim to U.S. surpluses is surprisingly insensitive to news about future surpluses or returns, at least from the perspective of an econometrician. This is a direct result of the debt/output ratio’s persistence. Our model-free exercise suggests that the bond market’s assessment of future surpluses may diverge from the econometrician’s. The econometrician does not forecast larger surpluses or lower discount rates when the debt/output ratio rises, not based on the entire U.S. sample, but, obviously, the bond market investor does, unless there is a violation of the no-bubble condition. We show evidence from CBO projections that investors may have been over-predicting surpluses and under-predicting returns on debt throughout and well after the GFC. As a result, bond investors anticipated mean reversion in the debt/output ratio that failed to materialize.
Even though the pricing of individual bonds does not allow for arbitrage opportunities, except in times of market disruptions, the U.S. federal government debt as a whole may be persistently mis-priced. It is plausible that limits to arbitrage (Shleifer and Vishny, 1997) would prevent rational arbitrageurs from taking advantage of potential over-pricing in the last decades. Treasurys benefit from safe asset demand. Safe assets tend to appreciate in high marginal utility states of the world, when arbitrageurs are more likely to be constrained.
Of course, we cannot definitely rule out the possibility of a peso-event, a large fiscal correction, not observed in our sample, but anticipated and priced in by investors. However, even the most sophisticated budget projections which abstract from future fiscal corrections have been far too optimistic over the past decades.

*1:cf. ここ。そのエントリで紹介したように、ファーマはこの理論は実証研究で裏付けられていない、と主張している。また、こちらのエントリで紹介したマイク・コンツァルの論説では、今回の論文とは逆に、債券市場は裁定取引がしやすく価格付けが誤りにくいという主張の論拠として同論文が引用されている。

*2:cf. Peso problem (finance) - Wikipediaここ