
アデア・ターナーが、現在の世界的な景気回復は財政政策によるものだ、という見方を表題のProject Syndicate論説(原題は「Getting Fiscal Stimulus and Central Bank Independence In Synch」)で示している

Until early last autumn, the global economy seemed stuck in a deflationary trap. ...
Only six months later, prospects seem transformed, with widespread upgrades to growth and inflation forecasts. ...
Growth forecasts are up because fiscal policy has been relaxed. ...As the IMF notes, this reflects “a reassessment of fiscal policy”, and a rejection of the belief that monetary policy alone can drive recovery.


Tight fiscal policy seemed essential to limit future public debt; but ultra-loose monetary policy could still, it was assumed, ensure adequate demand growth and bring inflation back up to target.
That assumption was wrong, because monetary policy alone is ineffective when economies are stuck in a deflationary debt trap. Central banks can cut interest rates, but investment and consumption are insensitive to rate reductions if private debt levels are high and rates are already low. Cutting interest rates in one country can drive currency depreciation, but the world cannot devalue all its currencies against that of other planets to offset deficient global demand. And while low interest rates produce higher equity, bond, and property prices, the trickle-down benefit to the real economy is weak. ...
But if loose monetary policy facilitates fiscal expansion, it can still help stimulate the economy, making it possible to run large deficits without provoking interest-rate hikes. As Christopher Sims of Princeton University argued in an important paper presented at the 2016 Jackson Hole conference, once an economy is in a deficient-demand trap, there is “no automatic stabilizing mechanism to bring the economy back to target inflation,” unless “interest rate declines generate fiscal expansion.”


But if loose monetary policy makes it easy to issue public debt, how will that debt be repaid? ...
...even if we assume people are rational, fiscal deficits can still stimulate nominal demand, if people anticipate that tomorrow’s debt might be eroded by inflation or eliminated through some variant of permanent monetization. As Sims argues, to ensure that fiscal expansion is effective, “the deficits must be seen as financed by future inflation, not future taxes or spending cuts.” If, instead, there is a strong official message, as there is in the eurozone, that current deficits imply future austerity, the stimulative impact can be stymied.
In some countries, monetization of public debt is now inevitable, with the central bank buying government bonds and either writing them off or rolling them over perpetually. In Japan, for example, there is no credible scenario in which public debt will ever be paid down to so-called sustainable levels.

日本は既にマネタイズを行っている、というのは、2年前にここで紹介したProject Syndicate論説でもターナーが述べているところである。


The current upturn in growth may peter out. Trump’s anticipated fiscal expansion may disappoint, with minimal infrastructure investment and stimulus coming only in its most inefficient form – tax cuts for the rich. But if the advanced economies do achieve more robust growth, it will be because large fiscal stimulus is facilitated by ultra-loose monetary policy.
Some economists wrongly fear that this implies the end of central-bank independence and the return of “fiscal dominance.” Central banks’ independence is threatened if fiscal authorities can instruct central banks to finance public deficits and monetize debt, even in circumstances where harmfully high inflation results. But it is not threatened if central banks independently decide to facilitate fiscal expansion through ultra-low interest rates and quantitative easing when inflation is running below target. If we had recognized that reality sooner, and provided more fiscal stimulus, recovery from 2008 could have been more robust and its benefits more widely sprea

過剰な財政優位の防止についてターナーは、1年前にここで紹介したProject Syndicate論説で詳説している。