というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Sovereign Bond Restructuring: Commitment vs. Flexibility」で、著者はJason Roderick Donaldson(セントルイス・ワシントン大)、Lukas Kremens(ワシントン大)、Giorgia Piacentino(コロンビア大)。
Sovereigns in distress often engage in debt restructuring, typically negotiating with multiple classes of bondholders at once. We use natural experiments to investigate whether sovereign bondholders benefit from committing not to restructure. We find that committing not to restructure one class of bonds is valuable for not only that class, but, in contrast to received theory, for others too. We develop a model to rationalize these cross-bond spillovers. It points to a system of cross-bond equations that, we show, can be exploited to quantify natural experiments and to estimate unobservable elasticities in terms of a few sufficient statistics.
The model can also help us to interpret our experiments, which do not immediately lend themselves to quantification—the High Court’s ruling on consent payments made restructuring easier, but by how much did it increase the haircut hr? We use the model to back out this number. We derive a formula for the implied change in hr in terms of our estimated yield changes and a few other sufficient statistics, notably estimates of risk-neutral default probabilities (from CDS) and expected haircuts (from the Greek restructuring). We estimate that the ruling increased expected haircuts on English-law debt by about 35 bps, a meaningful effect considering consent payments were already common practice before the ruling.
We show how to use the same sufficient statistics to translate our baseline estimates into an elasticity that could be useful for policy counterfactuals: We estimate that a 1% increase in haircuts increases the (risk-neutral) default probability by 7.63%. A back-of-the-envelope application of this number, in combination with Hébert and Schreger’s (2017) estimates of the costs Argentine default, suggests that a one percentage point decrease in haircuts on Argentine debt could save 1.3 billion USD in deadweight costs.
モデルはまた、すぐには定量化できない我々の実験を解釈する助けとなる。同意支払いに関する高等法院の判決は債務再編を容易にしたが、ヘアカットhrはそれによってどのくらい増えたのか? 我々はその数字を取り出すためにモデルを用いた。我々は、利回り変化の推計値とその他の数個の十分統計量、就中リスク中立デフォルト確率(CDSから)と期待ヘアカット(ギリシャの債務再編から)の推計値が含意するhrの変化の方程式を導出した。判決により英国法の管轄する債務の期待ヘアカットは約35ベーシスポイント増加したと我々は推計する。判決の前に同意支払いが既に一般的な慣習になっていたことに鑑みると、これは有意な効果である。
Our baseline experiment is a landmark ruling by the English High Court on a controversial device that has proved useful for sovereign debt restructuring lately. The device, called “consent payments,” effectively bribes bondholders to vote in favor of a restructuring, thereby trapping them in a prisoner’s dilemma: Accepting a restructuring is a dominant strategy for individual (small) bondholders even if it harms them collectively (see Section 2.1). The defendant was a Brazilian soybeans firm that repeatedly restructured its English-law bonds, using consent payments to cut its coupon every time one came due for two years. Per the prisoners’ dilemma, bondholders consented every time. Except the last. Two held out and sued, arguing that the consent payments constituted an illegal bribe. The ruling favored the defendant, setting the precedent to allow restructuring via consent payments in the future, thus limiting the ability to commit not to restructure. Being the Court’s first ruling on consent payments, it had “worldwide ramifications” (White & Case (2013)).