

Russ Roberts: My guest is Dani Rodrik.... He first appeared on EconTalk in 2011, when we talked about globalization. Our topic for today is a recent piece he wrote for the Boston Review with Suresh Naidu and Gabriel Zucman entitled "Economics After Neoliberalism."... Let's start off with the definition. Neoliberalism means different things, I think, to different people. It's a term that's come into more use recently. What do you mean by the term.
Dani Rodrik: Let me say first that I am a little bit uneasy using the term 'neoliberalism.' It's something that, it's a term that I have tried not to use. Sometimes I've used the term 'market fundamentalism' instead of 'neoliberalism.' But it's come into such general use, and I think it does capture something real, so I did along with my co-authors end up making it the centerpiece of this piece in the Boston Review. What I mean by neoliberalism is really mostly a frame of mind that places the independent functioning of markets and private incentives and pricing incentives at the center of things. And I think in the process downgrades certain other values, like equity and the social contract, and certain restraints on private enterprise that are often required to achieve economic ends that are more compatible with social goals.
Russ Roberts: And--the term 'market fundamentalism'--I would call myself, I think I'd have to admit to being a market fundamentalist. Talk about that a little bit more, what you see as the essence of that viewpoint and what you think the weaknesses are.
Dani Rodrik: I think it probably will make sense to talk about this in a particular context and then to make it more concrete. But I think I would draw the distinction along the following lines: That, there is a view that places markets as, in some sense, being prior to social and political arrangements. And I think that views markets as essentially being created independently, endogenously, on their own; and that they can be sustained and they can operate in a self-sustaining kind of way. And that social and political restraints or regulatory restraints on the operation of markets is a natural sort of distortion of the way that society ought to organize itself. So that that's the position I attribute to market fundamentalists in the way that I've seen it work in the policy domains that I follow most closely--which is, you know, trade and industrial policy, and financial globalization. And it is an alternative view which sees markets to be always the product of social and political arrangements, and therefore, you know, depend inherently on social organization; and in that view markets can be constructed in a number of very different ways, and serving the, you know, very different types of ends; and some are more equitable and more in line with social values than other forms of organizing those markets. And in that view, the question about regulating and stabilizing and legitimizing markets is an ongoing process that requires thinking and rethinking on the part of society, where, you know, there is a rejection of the primacy of markets as self-creating, self-sustaining forms of social organization. Again, I apologize for being sort of abstract; but you're leading me down that path.
Russ Roberts: That's okay.
Dani Rodrik: It may be more, it might be more productive talking about specific domains.
Russ Roberts: Yeah; we'll get to that. Ironically, you know, I agree with half of that. At least half. Which is, I agree that markets are not self-creating. Some kinds of markets are, presumably. The Smithian propensity to truck, barter, and exchange is there. But what I think we would call a market in a modern economy--and I want to be clear I do not mean a farmer's market or a stock exchange, although they are examples that are related to what we are talking about. But, certainly, markets that function well require culture. They require property rights of certain kinds. They require adjudication for disagreements. Some of those could be provided privately but perhaps are best provided by the state. I think the challenge is--I think the more important difference isn't--it's the self-regulating part and whether they should be steered: whether markets perennially or often or even occasionally produce outcomes that could be improved by various policy interventions. And those are--you know, I think we'll get into some of those. That's my level of abstraction. Which I think also is not so informative until we get a little more detail.




*3:「I think the more important difference isn't」は言い淀んだ箇所と思われるので、訳からは省略した。
