
ダニ・ロドリックが以下の本の序文を書き、それを表題のブログエントリに再掲している(原題は「Has Global Finance Reformed Itself More Than It Appears?」)。


It happens only rarely and is all the more pleasurable because of it. You pick up a manuscript that fundamentally changes the way you look at certain things. This is one such book. Ilene Grabel has produced a daring and delightful reinterpretation of developments in global finance since the Asian financial crisis of 1997–1998.
The book addresses, and resolves, a long-standing puzzle: Why has our present model of financial globalization been so resilient, despite an abysmal track record that includes the most severe global financial crisis since the Great Depression, recurrent sovereign debt crises (in Latin America, East Asia, Russia, and Turkey), and many other disappointments (such as capital flowing “uphill” from poorer to richer nations)? How is it that we have not jettisoned this model for something that is more sensible and works better?
Professor Grabel’s insight is that those of us who were looking for signs of change have had the wrong idea about how real reform often happens. We have been mistaken in searching for evidence of wholesale, programmatic reconsideration of the rules of global finance. Systems of governance rarely change through established blueprints, a master plan, or radical reforms. And besides, such a reform path would suffer from the same kind of hubris that the neoliberal playbook produced.
Instead, she suggests, it is the cracks in the consensus, the local heresies, and the small departures and innovations that matter and lead us in an altogether novel direction. Inconsistency, ambiguity, and incoherence are useful and productive—they are a feature, not a bug.
同書は、長年の謎に取り組み、解決している。大恐慌以来最も深刻な世界金融危機、繰り返し起きる債務危機中南米、東アジア、ロシア、トルコ)、およびその他多くの失敗(資本が貧困国から富裕国へと「上流に」流れていることなど)といった破滅的な成績にも関わらず、金融のグローバル化の我々の現在のモデルはなぜあれほど弾力的なのか? なぜ我々はこのモデルを捨てて、より合理的で機能的なものに置き換えないのか?


  • アジア金融危機によってIMFが強力になった一方で、発展途上国側も、外貨準備の蓄積による自己保険や、通貨スワップ協定などにより、防衛策を強化したこと。
  • G20や金融安定理事会は今のところあまり効果を発揮していないが、発展途上国の影響力をもっと取り入れた、実験的でネットワーク化された世界金融統治の仕組みに発展していく兆候も見られる。
  • IMF自体も抜本的な見直しはなされていないが、変化はしている。もはや資本規制をタブー視しておらず、緊縮策から距離を置くようになっており、社会的セーフティネットにより関心を払うようになっている*1
  • 地域的な外貨準備のプーリング協定や、開発インフラ銀行といった新たな制度・組織、およびそれらが参加国に提供するフォーラム・ショッピング*2



My colleague Roberto Mangabeira Unger likes to say that universal orthodoxy cannot be defeated solely by local heresies; overcoming it requires a universalizable heresy. Professor Grabel disagrees, as would Albert Hirschman. She would be the first to acknowledge that the incremental innovations she discusses in the book do not, in her words, “come close to displacing neoliberalism from top to bottom.” But the neoliberal consensus is gone, the institutions that uphold it have become more agnostic and flexible, and new arrangements have sprung up. We do not yet know where the international financial system will end up. Professor Grabel says this is as it should be: enjoy the Hirschmanian moment, and keep your fingers crossed that sanity and common sense will prevail.


*2:cf. フォーラム・ショッピング - Wikipedia