
という2014年の論文を、少し前にMostly Economicsが紹介していた。原題は「Stock Exchanges as Lighthouses」で、著者はPhilip Booth(論文執筆時はロンドン大学シティ校、現在はセントメリーズ大)。以下はその要旨。

Over the years, it has frequently been argued by economists that lighthouses need to be provided by the state. Ronald Coase demonstrated, in fact, that they could be provided privately. The same is true of financial regulation. Though many economists, using blackboard economics, argue that financial markets need to be regulated by the state, it is found that regulatory mechanisms evolve in the market which are effective and stable. It is feasible that a central bank could also evolve as a private institution to regulate the banking sector. Nevertheless, there could be legitimate concern that such institutions will become concentrations of market power or will require legal privileges to operate. In fact, this was one of the concerns that was expressed in relation to the private provision of lighthouses. The analogy between private regulatory institutions such as stock exchanges and lighthouses is therefore remarkably close.


As it happens, in financial markets the concentrations of power were in the process of being dispersed at the very moment the state stepped in after nearly 300 years of private regulation (Kynaston, 2012 pp. 567–568). Furthermore, since the power to regulate financial markets moved from the clubs to the state, the regulator has accrued power with few checks, grown its budget and grown the number of employees at a rate that few would have anticipated in 1986. At best, concentrations of power within the private sector have been replaced by concentrations of power in state bureaucracies.
Nevertheless, there is a debate about which of the alternative institutional mechanisms is desirable. This is a debate which Coase would have believed it important to conduct. What economists should not do is assume that what clearly has happened cannot happen – whether this be in the City or the sea.
金融市場では、民間規制が300年近く続いた後に国が足を踏み入れたまさにその時、たまたま権力の集中が分散する過程にあった(キナストン(2012*3)pp. 567–568)。また、金融市場を規制する権力がクラブから国に移ったため、規制者はほぼ監視が無い権力を手に入れ、1986年時点ではほとんど誰も予期しなかったペースで予算と雇用者数を増やした。良く言っても、民間部門内の権力の集中は国の官僚機構での権力の集中に置き換えられたのである。


Big bang is widely regarded as a process of “deregulation”. ...What is often described as a process of “deregulation” to promote free markets in 1986 was, in fact, a process of prohibition of private regulation and its replacement by state regulation.