
というブログ記事ヘリオットワット大学ファイナンス数理学者ティム・ジョンソン(Tim Johnson)が自ブログ「Magic, maths and money/The relationship between science and finance」に書き、Economist's Viewでリンクされたほか、Gavin Kennedyが紹介している(原題は「How economics suffers from de-politicised mathematics」。ちなみにKennedyの紹介記事のタイトルは「Mathematical Truths Do Not Make Untrue Assumptions in Economics True」)。

What I see in both the Hilbert and the Bourbaki approaches to mathematics, as well as in the attitudes of mathematicians who emerged in post-Stalinist Soviet science, is a desire to escape the turbulent political realities that surrounded mathematicians. In response to the turmoil around them mathematicians seem to wish to create their own Castalia, a place free of politics or economics where the cerebral mathematicians could focus on playing their 'game', as described in Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game.

Why this is significant is encapsulated in parts of both the US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report and the report of the British Parliamentary Report on Banking Standards ([4, p 44], [10, para 60, vol 2]): today economic authority is based on mathematics. Financial economics produced sophisticated mathematical theorems related to pricing and risk management in the derivative markets and simply by existing as mathematics they were legitimate. There was no room for debate or discussion because mathematics, based on Hilbert’s formal deduction and Bourbaki’s idealised abstractions, and written in obscure notation, was infallible. It doesn't seem to matter that there were discussion and concerns within mathematics, economics accepted the authority of the theorems and their models simply because they were mathematical.


Personally I feel prominent economists became over awed by the successes of mathematics, through, for example, observing mathematicians’ abilities to transform apparently random sequences of letters into meaningful messages, something that must have seemed magical and resonant to the economic problem of interpreting data. The problem is codes are generated deterministically but the same cannot be said for economic data. I believe it was a synthesis of the post First World War traumas of mathematics and the post-Second World War optimism and confidence of economics that created the explosion of mathematical economics in the 1950s-1960s.
Today mathematical finance is possibly the most abstract branch of applied mathematics, while mathematical physics is complex it is still connected to sensible phenomena and amenable to intuition, and this state seems to be typical of the relationship between mathematics and economics.