
について調べたNBER論文をFT Alphavilleでイザベラ・カミンスカが紹介している。論文のタイトルは「Bank Failures and Output During the Great Depression」で、著者はハーバードのJeffrey A. MironとMITのNatalia Rigol。

In response to the Financial Crisis of 2008, macroeconomic policymakers employed a range of tools designed to prevent failures of large, complex financial institutions (“banks”). The Treasury and the Fed justified these actions by arguing that bank failures exacerbate output declines, rather than just reflecting output losses that have already occurred. This view is consistent with economic models based on credit market imperfections, but it is an empirical question as to whether the feedback from failures to output losses is substantial.
This paper examines the relation between bank failures and output by re-considering Bernanke’s (1983) analysis of the Great Depression. We find little indication that bank failures exerted a substantial or sustained impact on output during this period.


If there is evidence of output decline being exacerbated by bank failures, it is, say the authors, sensitive to an identifying assumption about timing, not especially large or persistent in its own right, and in their opinion somewhat sensitive to the exclusion of the bank holiday from Bernanke’s sample.
That is to say, Bernanke’s inclusion of bank holiday data in his Great Depression models may have skewed the results in favour of his hypothesis.



As Bernanke confirmed, monetary factors do appear to have played a major role in the downturn, consistent with the work of Friedman and Schwartz. But the main avenue through which bank failures mattered seems to have been through their impact on the money supply, rather than via a credit intermediation channel.



Our results do not deal directly with whether bank failures during the recent financial crisis would have generated a deeper or longer recession than occurred, had the Treasury and Fed not taken the actions that forestalled these failures. This is because the two episodes differed in important respects. Perhaps most significantly, bank failures during the Great Depression occurred mainly for large numbers of small banks; bank failures during the recent episode would plausibly have involved small numbers of large, interconnected banks. Thus our results shed little direct light over whether Too-Big-to-Fail concerns were valid.
To the extent U.S. experience during the Great Depression – and especially the view that bank failures played a significant, independent role during that period – formed the intellectual foundation for Treasury and Fed actions, however, our results suggest a hint of caution. If the Great Depression does not constitute evidence for Too-Big-to-Fail, then what historical episodes do provide that evidence? We leave that question for another day.
しかしながら、大恐慌時代の米国の経験――なかんずく銀行破綻が単独で重要な役割を当時果たしたという見解――が財務省FRBの政策行動の知的基盤を形成した限りにおいては、我々の結果は若干の注意を呼び掛けていると言える。もし大恐慌が大きすぎて潰せないという話の証拠にならないのであれば、どの歴史的事実がそうした証拠を提供するのであろうか? その件については後日また改めて、ということにしたい。

*1:cf. ここ