
というIMF論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Shedding Light on the Local Impact of Temperature」で、著者はDa Hoang、Duong Trung Le、Ha Nguyen、Nikola Spatafora(Duong Trung Leは世銀、他はIMF)。

We use a new dataset to estimate the impact of temperature on economic activity at a more geographically and temporally disaggregated level than the existing literature. Analyzing 30-kilometer grid cells at a monthly frequency, temperature has a negative, highly statistically significant, and quantitatively large effect on output: a 1 °C increase in monthly temperature is associated with a 0.77 percent reduction in nighttime lights, a proxy for local economic activity. The effects of even a temporary increase in temperature persist for almost one year after the shock. Increases in temperature have an especially large, negative impact on growth in poorer countries, indicating that they are more vulnerable to the impact of climate change.

少し前に「地球温暖化は世界成長をどの程度冷やすのか? - himaginary’s diary」で温暖化の成長への影響を調べた研究を紹介したが、今回の論文はERA5の気温データとGoogle Earth Engineの夜間光データを使ってきめ細かい実証分析を行った点が新しいと言えそうである。