
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Reciprocity and the China Shock」で、著者はChad P. Bown(ピーターソン国際経済研究所)、Lorenzo Caliendo(イェール大)、Fernando Parro(ロチェスター大)、Robert W. Staiger(ダートマス大)、Alan O. Sykes(スタンフォード大)。

We formalize the GATT/WTO principle of reciprocity in workhorse quantitative trade models, characterizing reciprocal tariff cuts that hold terms of trade fixed and investigating their labor-market impacts. We provide closed-form expressions mapping reciprocal tariff cuts to labor market dislocation. We demonstrate that a country’s own tariff liberalization is a sufficient statistic for the labor-market adjustments it can expect from tariff negotiations that satisfy reciprocity. Applying our theoretical results to China’s 2001 WTO accession, we find that China’s tariff reductions exceeded reciprocity norms, increasing real incomes but amplifying the manufacturing employment dislocation – the China Shock – in the United States and globally.


ここで左辺はn国の貿易部門の雇用LnTへの影響で、右上の添字のTとNTは貿易部門と非貿易部門、右下の添字のnとはiは国を表す。πinは、i国の総支出をXi、i国がn国から購買する財への(関税込みの)支出をXinとして、πin ≡ Xin/Xiと定義されている。τinは、i国がn国からの輸入に適用する従価方式の関税に1を加えたものである。θはπinにEaton and Kortum (2002)*1における重力構造を当てはめた際のフレシェ分布の形状母数*2、αは最終消費における貿易部門の割合である。


If country i falls short of (exceeds) reciprocating country n′s tariff cuts and as a result country n experiences a deterioration (an improvement) in its terms of trade, the resulting decrease (increase) in country n′s real income contributes to a fall (rise) in expenditures on non-tradable-sector goods that dampens (amplifies) the reallocation of country n′s labor toward the non–tradable sector. The corollary then follows because under the reciprocity norm the terms of trade remain fixed, and hence only the movement in country n′s local relative prices are relevant for determining the reallocation of country n′s labor toward the non–tradable sector, and under reciprocity the movement in country n′s local relative prices is fully determined by its own tariff cuts.

*1:これ。cf. 書き込み付きコピーWP

*2:cf. フレシェ分布 - Wikipedia
