Today Powell more or less endorsed the Long Transitory view of inflation. And I thought maybe I should lay out my stylized version of what happened (for wonks only!) 1/
This is oversimplifying, but think of the economy as producing goods and services; relative demand depends on relative price, relative supply much less elastic than we imagined (this figure assumes homothetic demand; you got a problem with that?) 2/
Pandemic changes in behavior increased relative demand for goods (lots of other disruptions, but similar story), requiring a rise in their relative price. Either goods prices had to rise, service prices fall, or both. But prices are sticky downwards 3/
So the required change in relative prices was achieved through a rise in some prices, not a fall in others, hence a rise in the overall price level. Again, details much more complicated, but this was the basic point. 4/
But this was a one-time rise in the price level — similar across countries, despite differences in fiscal policy — not a sustained rise in the inflation rate. And it's now basically behind us 5/
I don't fault the Fed for raising rates, because there was clearly a risk that inflation expectations would become unanchored. But they didn't. And crucially, there was no way we could have avoided that one-time price rise without a depression 6/
Again, grossly simplified, but I think that's the basic story — a story really about a one-time price jump rather than sustained inflation, and one in which policy more or less did what it had to 7/