インフレを動かす要因は何か? 分解された物価データからの教訓

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「What Drives Inflation? Lessons from Disaggregated Price Data」で、著者はElisa Rubbo(シカゴ大)。

The Covid pandemic disrupted supply chains and labor markets, with heterogeneous effects on demand and supply across industries. Meanwhile governments responded with unprecedented stimulus packages, and inflation increased to its highest values in 40 years. In this paper I investigate the contribution of aggregate monetary and fiscal policies to inflation, compared to industry-specific disruptions. I argue that, in an economy where multiple industries and primary factors have heterogeneous supply curves, industry-specific shocks to inelastically supplied goods increase aggregate inflation through a cost-push shock. Moreover industry-specific and aggregate shocks have different effects on relative prices, which allows me to identify their respective contribution to aggregate inflation. For US consumer prices, I find that deflation and subsequent inflation in 2020 were due to industry-specific shocks, while since 2021 inflation is primarily driven by aggregate factors.

以下はungated版へのリンクがあるシカゴ大のサイトにおけるRESEARCH BRIEFの図。

この図についてRESEARCH BRIEFは以下のように解説している。

In the Figure, Rubbo decomposes the consumer price index (CPI, rust line), into the components driven by output gaps (lighter bars) and industry-specific disruptions (dark blue bars). What the author dubs the Aggregate Component (orange line) is equal to the difference between the actual CPI inflation and the counterfactual inflation that would have prevailed had the Fed always kept a zero-output gap. We can see that the CPI was almost entirely driven by Industry-Specific Disruptions in the early phase of the Covid pandemic (from February to October 2020). Instead, the Aggregate Component explains a large fraction of CPI inflation after January 2021, meaning that loose monetary policy and stimulus policies are responsible for a sizable share of CPI inflation. Nonetheless Industry-Specific shocks still have an important role, likely due to higher energy prices. The personal consumption expenditure price index (core PCE, yellow line in the Figure) is effective at filtering out the effect of energy prices on CPI inflation, but it overstates the Aggregate Component in the early phases of the pandemic.
