
というのが11日エントリで紹介したツイートでクルーグマンが言及した論文のタイトルである。原題は「Monetary Policy in Times of Structural Reallocation」で、著者はVeronica Guerrieri(シカゴ大)、Guido Lorenzoni(ノースウエスタン大)、Ludwig Straub(ハーバード大)、Iván Werning(MIT)*1

We characterize optimal monetary policy in response to asymmetric shocks that shift demand from one sector to another, a condition arguably faced by many economies emerging from the Covid-19 crisis. We show that the asymmetry manifests itself as an endogenous cost-push shock, breaking divine coincidence, and resulting in inflation optimally exceeding its target despite elevated unemployment. In fact, there is no simple, possibly re-weighted, inflation index that can be used as the optimal target. When labor is mobile between sectors, monetary easing can have the additional benefit of inducing faster reallocation, by producing wage increases in the expanding sector.


*2:cf. Divine coincidence - Wikipedia

*3:本文(導入部)では「...we show that optimal monetary policy generally allows for some inflation in excess of its target, and some unemployment above its natural level. The reason why inflation is desirable in our context is that relative prices need to adjust following the asymmetric shock and downward wage rigidities imply that a relative price adjustment is more easily achieved through inflation in the expanding sector.」と説明している。

*4:本文では「A noticeable difference between the results in the literature and our results here is that in our context it is not possible to define a set of sectoral weights such that optimal monetary policy is obtained by targeting aggregate inflation measured using those weights. The simple reason is that in our model the identity of the sector with fixed prices and of the sector with flexible prices depends on the sign of the shock. A shock that shifts demand in favor of sector A would require different weights from a shock that shifts demand in favor of B.」と説明している。

*5:ただし著者たちは金融緩和が常に望ましいとは結論していない。結論部では「Does easier monetary policy speed up or slow down such reallocation? We presented examples where both are possible. If the dominant effect of easier monetary policy is to improve employment prospects in the declining sector, reallocation tends to be slowed down; if instead easier monetary policy has sufficiently powerful effects on relative wages, reallocation is accelerated. An investigation into which of these two forces is empirically stronger, is a promising avenue for further research.」と記述している。