
というNBER論文をブルナーメイヤーらが上げている(H/T Mostly Economicsungated(SSRM)版)。原題は「The Debt-Inflation Channel of the German Hyperinflation」で、著者はMarkus K. Brunnermeier(プリンストン大)、Sergio A. Correia(FRB)、Stephan Luck(NY連銀)、Emil Verner(MIT)、Tom Zimmermann(ケルン大)。

This paper studies how a large increase in the price level is transmitted to the real economy through firm balance sheets. Using newly digitized macro- and micro-level data from the German inflation of 1919-1923, we show that inflation led to a large reduction in real debt burdens and bankruptcies. Firms with higher nominal liabilities at the onset of inflation experienced a larger decline in interest expenses, a relative increase in their equity values, and higher employment during the inflation. The results are consistent with real effects of a debt-inflation channel that operates even when prices and wages are flexible.

ungated版の冒頭では以下の書からの「The Germany of the inflation was paradise for anyone who owed money.(インフレ期のドイツはお金の借り手にとってはパラダイスだった)」という言葉が引用されている。