パンデミック中のディナーとワイン? リトアニアでの減税と消費支出の疑似実験

というIMF論文をMostly Ecoomicsが紹介している。原題は「Dining and Wining During the Pandemic? A Quasi-Experiment on Tax Cuts and Consumer Spending in Lithuania」で、著者はSerhan Cevik。

Could temporary tax cuts stimulate consumer spending? Sector-specific measures to the COVID-19 pandemic provides a quasi-experimental variation in consumption patterns to infer a causal effect of tax policy changes. Using a novel dataset of daily debit and credit card transactions, this paper investigates the effectiveness of Lithuania’s decision to cut the standard value-added tax (VAT) rate from 21 percent to 9 percent on restaurants and catering services during the pandemic in a difference-in-differences regression framework. I obtain robust evidence that the VAT reduction has had no statistically significant impact on consumer spending on restaurants and catering services, while other policy interventions such as mobility restrictions and vaccination have more pronounced effects. These results have important policy implications in terms of the expected stimulative effect of sector-specific VAT reductions and the effective design of fiscal policy interventions to counter the impact of pandemics during which mobility is highly constrained.
一時的な減税は消費支出を刺激できるだろうか? 対象部門を絞ったコロナ禍対策は消費パターンに疑似実験的な変動をもたらすため、税政策変更の因果効果を推計できる。デビットカードとクレジットカードの日次取引の新たなデータを用いて本稿は、差の差の回帰の枠組みで、コロナ禍においてレストランとケータリングサービスの付加価値税(VAT)の標準税率を21%から9%に引き下げたリトアニアの政策決定の効果を調べた。VAT減税はレストランとケータリングサービスへの消費支出に何ら統計的に有意な影響をもたらさなかったという頑健な実証結果を得た一方で、移動制限やワクチン接種といった他の政策措置はより顕著な効果を示した。以上の結果は、部門を絞ったVAT減税の予想される刺激効果、および、期間中に移動が著しく制限されているパンデミックの影響に対応する財政政策措置の効果的な設計という点で、重要な政策的含意を有している。


It should not come as a surprise that I do not find a significant “treatment” effect on consumer spending on restaurants and catering services. First, this finding is consistent with the few other quasi-experimental studies that look at the effect of a VAT cut for labor intensive services. Second, the impact of COVID-19 and mobility restrictions on consumer behavior is far more important than the VAT reduction in the midst of the pandemic with significant health and economic uncertainty. Accordingly, the empirical results presented in this paper—robust to different specifications—have important policy implications in terms of the expected stimulative effect of sector-specific VAT reductions and the effective design of fiscal policy interventions to counter the impact of crises.