I fully agree with Christian Lindner who says: “The capital markets do not distinguish between the noble or less noble motives for which debt is incurred and what it is invested in. They simply judge whether is it sustainable or not sustainable.” A strong case for the use of DSA
これにロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院(SOAS*3)のUli Volzが噛み付いた。
I fully disagree with @ojblanchard1 and @c_lindner. The sustainability of public debt will very much depend on whether debt is used for investment that enhances an economy’s growth potential and makes it more resilient or to finance stuff that doesn’t.
The dangers of short tweets, and leaving some points unsaid.😟 The point you make is exactly my point. 😀 A DSA will take into account the fact that, if debt is used for productive investment, this will show up in the DSA and show that debt, even if higher, remains sustainable.
But why do you then agree with Christian Lindner, who doesn’t make this distinction? Surely it will enhance Germany’s growth potential if it invests more in strategic infrastructure & climate transition.
それならばなぜ、そうした区別をしないクリスティアン・リントナーに同意するのです? 戦略的インフラと気候変動対応の移行への投資を増やすことは、間違いなくドイツの潜在成長力を高めるのに。
I am pointing that Lindner's own argument, ``whether debt is sustainable or not'' is precisely an argument for doing a DSA, rather than having some fixed number in mind.
Ok, then we agree. But that was not clear from your initial tweet (at least not to me).
It’s sad to think how 🇩🇪 could have advanced the green transition (and drastically reduce its dependence on fossil fuel imports) over the last decade if we had not stuck to the black zero.😫
*1:cf. クリスティアン・リントナー - Wikipedia。
*2:cf. In bed with the far right – POLITICO。なおリントナーは3か月前にも同様の発言をしている。cf. Federal Ministry of Finance - Finance Minister Christian Lindner in an interview with dpa and other European news agencies。
*3:cf. 東洋アフリカ研究学院 - Wikipedia。
*4:cf. The black zero: Germany's love affair with austerity – DW – 09/16/2019、ドイツの景気刺激策の可能性 2019年08月22日 | 大和総研 | 山崎 加津子。