
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ*1)。原題は「The Job Ladder: Inflation vs. Reallocation*2」で、著者はGiuseppe Moscarini(イェール大)、Fabien Postel-Vinay(ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン)。

We introduce on-the-job search frictions in an otherwise standard monetary DSGE New-Keynesian model. Heterogeneity in productivity across jobs gives rise to a job ladder. Firms Bertrand-compete for employed workers according to the Sequential Auctions protocol of Postel-Vinay and Robin (2002). Outside job offers to employed workers, when accepted, reallocate employment up the productivity ladder; when declined, because matched by the current employer, they raise production costs and, due to nominal price rigidities, compress mark-ups, building inflationary pressure. When employment is concentrated at the bottom of the job ladder, typically after recessions, the reallocation effect prevails, aggregate supply expands, moderating marginal costs and inflation. As workers climb the job ladder, reducing slack in the employment pool, the inflation effect takes over. The model generates endogenous cyclical movements in the Neo Classical labor wedge and in the New Keynesian wage mark-up. The economy takes time to absorb cyclical misallocation and features propagation in the response of job creation, unemployment and inflation to aggregate shocks. The ratio between job-finding probabilities from job-to-job and from unemployment, a measure of the “Acceptance rate” of job offers to employed workers, predicts negatively inflation, independently of the unemployment rate.




*4:本文では「Chari, Kehoe and McGrattan (2007) define the “labor wedge” as the ratio between the MRS and the MPL.」と説明している(MRS=Marginal Rate of Substitution、MPL=Marginal Product of Labor)。 cf. ここ

*5:本文では「Estimated New-Keynesian models (Smets and Wouters (2007) ) define the “wage markup” as the ratio between the real wage and the MRS, and find that changes in this mark-up are key to explain inflation and output dynamics. Lacking a mechanism to generate endogenous changes in the wage mark-up, they attribute them to shocks, that they estimate to be procyclical. Erceg, Henderson and Levine (2000) generate wage mark-ups by assuming sticky nominal wages. Gal´ı (2011) calls for a theory of an endogenous wage mark-up. Our model delivers just that.」としている。

*6:本文では「Without on-the-job search, the slow, prolonged decline in the U.S. unemployment rate over 2009-2019 can only be explained in the canonical model by a long and improbable sequence of small, consecutive, favorable aggregate shocks. A slowly mean-reverting process for the aggregate driver of business cycles will not do, because the free entry condition is forward-looking and would incorporate the expected gradual recovery. In contrast, our model has a built-in, slow-moving, endogenous propagation mechanism of temporary aggregate shocks. The job-finding rate, thus unemployment, evolve slowly because of congestion created by on-the-job searchers.」「The endogenous reallocation of employment on the job ladder feeds back on the incentives to create new jobs, generating propagation in the response of the aggregate economy.」「As mentioned earlier, the model features internal propagation. After a supply-side, TFP shock, consumption (due to low intertemporal substitution and strong consumption smoothing), inflation and unemployment (due to the response of recruiting effort r0,t) all revert to steady state more slowly than TFP. 」と説明している。