ガートラーらが「Unemployment Fluctuations, Match Quality, and the Wage Cyclicality of New Hires」というNBER論文を上げている。著者はMark Gertler(NYU)、Christopher Huckfeldt(コーネル大)、Antonella Trigari(ボッコーニ大)。
We present panel data evidence suggesting that the excess cyclicality of new hires’ wages relative to existing workers may be an artifact of compositional effects in the labor force that have not been sufficiently accounted for in the existing literature. We reinforce this point by developing a model of aggregate unemployment that generates quantitative implications consistent with both macro and micro data. In the model, new hires’ wages are the same as continuing workers of the same match productivity; but, as we find in our estimates from panel data, new hire wages appear to be more cyclical due to the procyclicality of job quality in new matches. Our bottom line: it is reasonable for macroeconomists to continue to make use of wage rigidity to account for economic fluctuations. The focus should be on how best to model wage rigidity rather than whether it is appropriate to model at all.
Finally, our model of unemployment fluctuations with staggered wage contracting differs from much of the DSGE literature in allowing a channel for procyclical job-to-job transitions. For many purposes, it may be fine to abstract from this additional channel. However in major recessions like the recent one, a slowdown in job reallocation is potentially an important factor for explaining the overall slowdown of the recovery. A recent study by Haltiwanger, Hyatt, and McEntarfer (2015) provides evidence that the rate of job-to-job transitions has not recovered relative to the overall job-finding rate in the current recovery. Our model provides a hint about how the slowdown in job reallocation might feedback into other economic activity, by reducing overall total factor productivity. It might be interesting to explore these issues and consider other factors, such as financial market frictions, that have likely hindered the reallocation process in the recent recession.