
日銀の白川元総裁が経済学者サマーズ氏の講演で非常に興味深い質問をしていた | グローバルマクロ・リサーチ・インスティテュート」で紹介されているように、サマーズの5/30のPIIE講演(イベント全体のリンクはこちら)の質疑応答において白川方明・元日銀総裁が質問を投げ掛けているが、その回答においてサマーズは、透明性や数値目標が主流になる*1以前の中央銀行への郷愁を露わにしている。

I guess my real view of this is that I think it was a mistake to declare a numerical term. My broad view -- I've said this many times -- my broad view is that Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan understood what the Delphi oracles understood, which is that if everybody thinks you're omniscient and omnipotent, it's a good idea to speak vaguely, infrequently, and in an oracular way so as to preserve the illusion. Therefore, you should not get engaged in specific numerical targets, you should not get engaged in predicting your future actions and laying out what they're going to be, and even if you're great, you're going to be wrong a lot, and that's just going to do a lot of damage to your credibility and not going to be helpful. You shouldn't specify what you're going to do, because what you're going to do depends on what happens. So then you say we should specify your reaction function, but you can't specify all the things that might happen because there are always surprises and so you just need to step back to humility. This is my broad view.



When the FED wanted to announce the two percent, they came to the Obama Administration when I was in it, and my view was we should tell them no -- that they want to say price stability that's fine, but we should not choose a numerical target. Tim Geithner who was the Treasury Secretary argued at the time that he didn't know whether I was right or whether I was wrong that specifying a specific number was a bad idea, but he thought part of our broad compact with the Fed was that if they wanted to specify a numerical target we shouldn't stop them, and I thought that was a very reasonable. I'm not sure that would have been my decision, but I thought that was a very reasonable decision and the president and the administration ultimately decided to bless the two percent target, so we have it.


But I can't get myself very excited about debating whether the number should be 1.5 or 2.5 or 1 or 3. What I would prefer to do is change the word target to range and leave it at that, and therefore try to gradually move off of having a target. I think we just have to appreciate that in macroeconomics era's last 15 years and so we just don't know what the nature of the problem and what the nature of the challenges were going to be. When I think back about silly judgments -- judgments that I made at some point in my career that in that both turned out to be wrong and when I look back at them I think I should have known better. I regarded the liquidity trap as a historical curiosity through the 90s that might be relevant to Japan but wasn't really going to be relevant to us. And I think in retrospect I should have said you never know what happens and things have a way of sort of coming around in different ways, and so I think trying to lock in specific targets is a mistake. I think the point you're making is a helpful one, because it points out something I hadn't really thought about before, which is that it's not completely obvious that, if you took as a given that you wanted to set a target, the ex-ante target today would be lots higher than the right target to have set sometime 15 or 20 years ago.

このインフレ目標に対する考え方は、「サマーズ経済の現状を語る - himaginary’s diary」や「サマーズ対ブランシャール:今後の金利を巡る議論・その3 - himaginary’s diary」で紹介した時よりも廃止方向へ考えを一歩進めたようにも見える。
