Thank you for it. My name is Masaaki Shirakawa, a former governor of Bank of Japan. I have a question about interlinkage between monetary policy and fiscal policy, specifically, rationale for having two percent inflation target. The typical argument goes that the central bank is constrained by the presence of effective lower bound. Therefore, central bank needs safety margin for not slipping into effective lower bound. But now, we found that fiscal policy was effective in raising inflation for better or worse, and if that is the case, then, it is possible to argue that we don't need having two percent safety margin. What do you think of this kind of argument?
ただ、サマーズはすぐに質問が呑み込めなかったようで*1、司会者(ヴィトール・ガスパール[Vítor Gaspar - Wikipedia])に質問の意図を確認している。
I'm not sure -- because of the acoustics, I'm not sure I completely understood the argument. Do you?
I believe that the gist of it is to discuss the rationality of inflation target and if you have a situation where you believe that the neutral interest rate has gone up you don't need as much of a buffer and therefore the case for inflation targeting is weakened. Is this okay? -- That is good.
要は、インフレ目標を置く理論的根拠を論じる、ということだと思います。中立金利が上昇したと考えられる状況にいるならば、バッファがあまり必要なくなり、従ってインフレ目標を置く根拠が弱まることになります。これで良いですか? ――(白川氏)良いです。
That's right. To the extent that you would say that, it's interesting... If I'm thinking about this right, almost all the discussion is of the form we should raise the inflation target, coming from people who think that it is painful to have recessions, and they don't want to have a recession, and two percents is not that big a deal, and besides that, two percent got set in the 90s, and we now think that neutral rates are lower than -- even if we think they're higher than they were before -- we think they're lower than they were in the 90s, so if two percent was right in the 90s, maybe three percent is right now. You're making a different kind of argument. You're saying if we really think we've got fiscal policy as a super potent stabilization tool, and we've shown we're prepared to use it. That would be an argument for turning two into one -- that would be an argument for turning two into one and a half. I invite you to try that argument on Capitol Hill or in political province in the United States.