

Thinking about debt, and some common misconceptions. I thought I'd start with a picture that needs explaining, although it's just a new way to make a point many economists — but not many other people — already know 1/
What got me started was the mail I get every time I write about debt and the debt ceiling — stuff along the lines "you forgot to mention that debt is 100% of GDP and debt service is rising". Of course I didn't forget. But this sort of thing reflects two big misunderstandings 2/
First is that 100% is an especially significant number, and historically unprecedented. But it's a ratio of a stock to a flow; it depends on the convention of measuring GDP on an annual basis. If we used quarterly it would be 400%! 3/
And it's not at all unprecedented, Contemporary Japan is of course far higher. But also note that Britain achieved the Industrial Revolution with debt far above current US levels 4/
Beyond that, many people seem to think that we're heading for a debt spiral: more debt means more interest payments, which requires more borrowing, which means even more debt, and off we go. Sounds intuitive ... but 5/
It's true that CBO projects both a rise in debt/GDP and a rise in debt service/GDP over the next decade. But much of the latter rise doesn't reflect higher debt; it reflects the *assumption* that interest rates will stay high 6/
And even so CBO isn't projecting a debt spiral: the rising debt ratio is the result of projected primary (non-interest) deficits, not interest accumulation. 7/
To show this, I asked what would happen to debt using CBO's projected interest rates, but without primary deficits, so that debt accumulation would come purely from borrowing to pay interest — a pure debt spiral. Again, the picture 8/
So no debt spiral. Economists will know that this is because despite CBO's assumption that rates will stay high, we're still in an r<g world. This is just a different way of making the point. 9/
No doubt some of the responses, if any, will be "But debt is 100% of GDP and debt service is rising!" But I do not think those numbers mean what you think they mean 10/


