1980年代に戻るのか否か? インフレ要因と国債の実質リスク

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Back to the 1980s or Not? The Drivers of Inflation and Real Risks in Treasury Bonds」で、著者はCarolin Pflueger(シカゴ大)。

I use nominal and real bond risks as new moments to discipline a New Keynesian asset pricing model, where supply shocks, demand shocks, and monetary policy are the fundamental drivers of inflation. Endogenously time-varying risk premia imply that nominal bond risks—as measured by their stock market beta—are a forward-looking indicator of stagflation risks. Calibrating the model separately for the 1980s and the 2000s, I show that positive nominal bond betas in the 1980s resulted from a “perfect storm” of supply shocks and a reactive monetary policy rule, but not from either supply shocks or monetary policy in isolation.

*1:ungated版の導入部では「I fit the model separately to the data for the 1980s and the 2000s, and show that the interaction of a quick-acting, inflation-focused monetary policy rule with volatile supply shocks is crucial to explain the risky nominal Treasury bonds of the 1980s. The model predicts that an inertial and more output-focused monetary policy as in the 2000s protects nominal bonds from turning risky even when supply shocks are volatile.」と記述している。