
一昨日エントリで金融政策と再分配に関する論文を紹介したが、意外にも(?)トーマス・サージェントらが似たような主旨の表題のNBER論文を書いている。論文の原題は「Inequality, Business Cycles, and Monetary-Fiscal Policy」で、著者はAnmol Bhandari(ミネソタ大)、David Evans(オレゴン大)、Mikhail Golosov(シカゴ大)、Thomas J. Sargent(NYU)。

We study optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a model with heterogeneous agents, incomplete markets, and nominal rigidities. We develop numerical techniques to approximate Ramsey plans and apply them to a calibrated economy to compute optimal responses of nominal interest rates and labor tax rates to aggregate shocks. Responses differ qualitatively from those in a representative agent economy and are an order of magnitude larger. Taylor rules poorly approximate the Ramsey optimal nominal interest rate. Conventional price stabilization motives are swamped by an across person insurance motive that arises from heterogeneity and incomplete markets.


Applying our approach to a calibrated New Keynesian economy with heterogeneous agents, we find that attitudes about inequality induce the planner to use fiscal and monetary tools to redistribute resources toward agents who are especially adversely affected by recessions. ...
In response to a negative productivity shock, we find that optimal monetary policy lowers nominal rates while keeping expected inflation near zero. But the planner also engineers high unanticipated inflation in recessions because that is a good way to transfer resources from agents with high bond holdings toward agents with low holdings. This transfer makes up for the inability of agents fully to insure against aggregate shocks. ...Furthermore, as in data, recessions in our calibrated economy are accompanied by persistent increases inequality. This generates a motive to redistribute labor income from productive agents by increasing transfers. The planner achieves this by keeping marginal labor tax rates high long after output has recovered. We find that in response to a productivity shock that lowers output growth by 3%, there is a nearly permanent increase in the labor tax rate of about 0.5 percentage points and a 0.25 percentage points jump in inflation for one period. As a point of comparison, the optimal tax rate and inflation rate in an economy without heterogeneity are constant for permanent productivity shock and an order of magnitude lower if we impose zero lump-sum transfers.

*1:この論文に使われているHANKモデルについてはここ参照。ちなみに18日エントリで紹介したAuclert論文には「The model presented above takes incomes as exogenous. This distinguishes it from the recent wave of Heterogeneous-Agent New Keynesian models which endogenize aggregate income and its distribution. My analysis shows that the endogenous distribution of income can matter a great deal for monetary policy transmission because of the earnings heterogeneity channel.」という一節がある。