
というIMF論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している(cf. 著者たち自身が研究を紹介したVoxEU/CEPR記事[H/T 本石町日記さんツイート])。原題は「Monetary Policy and Credit Card Spending」で、著者はFrancesco Grigoli(IMF)、Damiano Sandri(BIS、CEPR)。

We analyze the impact of monetary policy on consumer spending using credit card data. Because of their high frequency, these data improve identification and allow for a precise characterization of the transmission lags. We find that shocks to short-term interest rates affect spending much more rapidly than shocks to longer-term interest rates. We also detect significant asymmetries. While interest rate rises are contractionary, interest rate cuts are unable to lift spending. Finally, by exploiting the disaggregation of credit card data, we uncover considerable heterogeneity in the effects of monetary policy across spending categories and a stronger impact on higher-income users.

*1:本文からの引用:「In particular, while monetary tightening substantially reduces spending on discretionary goods, it boosts spending on consumer staples. This is possibly due to substitution effects. For example, people may respond to a monetary tightening by foregoing spending on restaurant meals while increasing spending on at-home food.」