
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「A Portfolio Approach to Global Imbalances」で、著者はZhengyang Jiang(ノースウエスタン大)、Robert J. Richmond(NYU)、Tony Zhang(FRB)。

We use a portfolio-based framework to understand what drives the decline of the U.S. net foreign asset (NFA) position and the reversal in returns earned on the US NFA (exorbitant privilege). We show that global savings gluts and monetary policies widened the U.S. NFA position, while investor demand shifts partially offset this widening. Moreover, U.S. privilege declined after 2010, in accordance with increasing foreign demand for U.S. equity. We also highlight a quantity dimension of the U.S. privilege: the U.S. can issue substantially more debt than other countries for a given yield increase.


*1:この論文ではwidenという言葉をマイナス幅の拡大という意味で用いている(本文に「we see that the U.S. NFA position widened (i.e. became more negative) by an average of 9.4% each year in our sample period.」という記述がある)。