
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Spatial Equilibria: The Case of Two Regions」で、著者はKonstantin Kucheryavyy(東大)、Gary Lyn(アイオワ州立大)、Andrés Rodríguez-Clare(UCバークレー)。

In this paper we characterize the set of equilibria in a generalized version of the canonical two-region economic geography model that nests the class of models in Allen and Arkolakis (2014) as well as Krugman (1991). We show that the set of (regular) equilibria corresponds to the set of zeros of a function V(x), where x is the relative price of manufacturing goods produced in the two regions (adjusted by the trade elasticity). Using this approach, we provide sufficient conditions for uniqueness of equilibria that — in contrast to the well-know result in Allen and Arkolakis (2014) — allow for positive agglomeration externalities even in the absence of congestion effects, and highlight the key role played by three additional parameters: the trade elasticity, which regulates the strength of the dispersion force associated with the decline in the terms of trade caused by migration into a region; trade costs, which weaken this dispersion force by limiting trade across regions; and the importance of the agricultural sector, which pushes against agglomeration forces in manufacturing. We also discuss how asymmetries between the two regions tend to push against multiplicity.


Intuitively, terms of trade worsen for a region experiencing a rise in population, and this effect is more severe with a lower trade elasticity and when trade costs are low so that there is more trade and terms-of-trade changes have a larger impact on real wages and migration.

The net agglomeration force captured by (ψ−δ)/(1+δ) is counteracted by a terms-of-trade dispersion force, here captured by the inverse of the trade elasticity, 1/ε. A high value of 1/ε means that as consumers move to a region they suffer a bigger terms of trade loss. With low trade costs, thanks to the terms-of-trade dispersion force, consumers do not tend to concentrate in one region, which results in uniqueness of an equilibrium. High trade costs weaken this dispersion force by limiting trade, thereby making terms of trade changes less relevant, and multiple equilibria more likely.
(ψ−δ)/(1+δ) で捉えられる純集積力は、交易条件分散力で弱められる。交易条件分散力は、ここでは貿易の弾力性の逆数1/εで捉えられている。1/εが高いと、消費者がある地域に移住した場合に彼らの交易条件の損失が大きくなる。貿易費用が低いと、交易条件分散力のお蔭で、消費者は一つの地域に集中しなくなり、均衡の一意性が生じる。高い貿易費用は貿易を制約することによってこの分散力を弱め、そのために交易条件の変化がそれほど重要でなくなり、複数均衡が生じやすくなる。