誰がトランプに投票したのか? ポピュリズムと社会資本

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「 Who Voted for Trump? Populism and Social Capital」で、著者はPaola Giuliano(UCLA)、Romain Wacziarg(同)。

We document a robust negative relationship between social capital and various measures of preferences for Donald Trump around the time of the 2016 Presidential election. Whether measured by vote shares in the primary and general elections at the county level, or by individual-level measures such as candidate favorability or self-reported voting behavior, preferences for Donald Trump are inversely related to the density of civic, religious and sports associations, as well as to a commonly used measure of generalized trust. The estimates are robust to controlling for a wide range of control variables. In sum, populist movements that seek to place the responsibility for social dysfunction on outsiders – immigrants and foreigners – seem to thrive in the very places that have experienced a disintegration of social ties in recent decades.