
IMFの3人の研究者(Giovanni Dell’Ariccia、Pau Rabanal、Damiano Sandri)が「Unconventional Monetary Policies in the Euro Area, Japan, and the United Kingdom」という論文をJournal of Economic Perspectivesに投稿している(H/T Tim Taylor)。

Study Notes Government bond yields GDP Inflation
Lam (2011); Ueda (2012)*1 Event study of BoJ announcement on Oct 5, 2010. -10 bps
De Michelis and Iacoviello (2016) VAR analysis of 2% inflation target announcement in January 2013 +0.8%
Arai (2017) Event study of announcements around QQE1 -14 bps
Hausman and Wieland (2014)*2 Announcement effects and VAR analysis of QQE1 -11 bps up to +1%
Kan, Kishaba, and Tsuruga (2016)*3 QQE1 effects using BoJ’s large-scale macroeconomic model +0.6/4.2% +0.3/1.5%
Michaelis and Watzka (2017)*4 VAR analysis of QQE, response to 1% increase in bank reserves Not significant +0.2%

*1:cf. ここ

*2:cf. ここ

*3:cf. 総括的な検証【背景説明】の(補論図表6−1)。
