「Does Central Bank Transparency and Communication Affect Financial and Macroeconomic Forecasts?」というスイス国立銀行のワーキングペーパーが出ている(H/T Mostly Economics)。著者はThomas LustenbergerとEnzo Rossi。
Does central bank communication and transparency affect macroeconomic forecasts at all and in the intended way? We answer this question based on a large sample of countries for financial and macroeconomic variables important for monetary policymaking provided by the private sector.
The answer is only partially affirmative. The results shown in this paper warn us that we should not expect too much from greater transparency and enhanced communication. We provide compelling evidence that, in general, central bank openness is not an effective instrument to improve the accuracy of private forecasts. At a more detailed level, our results suggest that transparency does not constitute a one-size-fits-all model but has effects that vary significantly across countries and variables. Some dimensions, such as the publication of voting records, are even detrimental to the quality of interest-rate forecasts.
...transparency seems to provide the anchor by which agents’ forecasting actions are coordinated. Thus, what seems to be important in the discussion about more or less central bank transparency is to make a clear distinction between its impact on forecast accuracy and its impact on forecast dispersion.
On the other hand, the verdict about the frequency of central bank communication is unambiguous. More communication produces forecast errors and increases their dispersion....
Even less successful in terms of forecasting performance is a forward-guidance policy, as pursued after the financial crisis. It affected neither the errors nor the dispersion of interest-rate and yield forecasts.
中銀のコミュニケーションと透明性はマクロ経済予測にそもそも影響を与えるのだろうか? それも意図した方向に影響するのだろうか? 我々は、多くの国のサンプルから取得した、民間部門から提供される金融政策策定にとって重要な金融ならびにマクロ経済の変数を基に、この問いに答えた。