という論文をドイツのトリーア大学の2人の研究者が書いている。原題は「Forecast Uncertainty and the Taylor Rule」で、著者はChristian Bauer、Matthias Neuenkirch。
In this paper, we derive a modification of a forward-looking Taylor rule, which integrates two variables measuring the uncertainty of inflation and GDP growth forecasts into an otherwise standard New Keynesian model. We show that certainty-equivalence in New Keynesian models is a consequence of log-linearization and that a second-order Taylor approximation leads to a reaction function which includes the uncertainty of macroeconomic expectations. To test the model empirically, we use the standard deviation of individual forecasts around the median Consensus Forecast as proxy for forecast uncertainty. Our sample covers the euro area, Sweden, and the United Kingdom and the period 1992Q4-2014Q2. We find that while all three central banks react significantly to inflation forecast uncertainty by reducing their policy rates in times of higher inflation expectation uncertainty with an average effect of more than 25 basis points, they do not have significant reactions to GDP growth forecast uncertainty. We conclude with some implications for optimal monetary policy rules and central bank watchers.
*1:本文によればConsensus Economics社のものを使用しているとの由。
*2:なお、結論部や分析部分では、インフレ不確実性の係数(論文の記号ではγ1)がマイナスであることを以って中銀がインフレの行き過ぎを未達より恐れていると書いているが、その前段の手法説明では「A positive (and significant) value for γ1 or γ2 implies that the central bank increases its policy rate in response to higher inflation (growth) forecast uncertainty. In such a situation, the central bank is more averse to overshooting its inflation or growth target than to undershoot it. The opposite holds for negative (and significant) values of γ1 or γ2. Then, the central bank's loss function is asymmetric in a sense that an undershooting of the respective target is the bigger concern.」と書いているので、自らの結果を逆に解釈しているように見える。