- 平均的労働者の所得の停滞
- 社会的・経済的移動性の低下
- 社会的機能不全
- 経済的苦境に陥っている地域・集団における絶望感
- トランプ現象で白人労働者層におけるその問題が注目されたが、機能不全が生じている範囲はもっと広い
- 政治的疎外と官民の機関への不信
- 特に米国では昔から政府への不信感が強い
Missing from the mix, however, was a comprehensive set of policies aimed at helping individuals and localities adjust to the difficult combination of slower growth and rapid economic change. Why policy was not more proactive in this area is an interesting question: Perhaps the failures of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and the inflationary monetary and fiscal policies of the 1960s and 1970s hurt the reputation of activist policies and helped revive American’s laisser-faire inclinations. Perhaps the stresses in the heartland were not sufficiently understood until it was too late. Perhaps the politics didn’t align. Whatever the reason, it’s clear in retrospect that a great deal more could have been done, for example, to expand job training and re-training opportunities, especially for the less educated; to provide transition assistance for displaced workers, including support for internal migration; to mitigate residential and educational segregation and increase the access of those left behind to employment and educational opportunities; to promote community redevelopment, through grants, infrastructure construction, and other means; and to address serious social ills through addiction programs, criminal justice reform, and the like. Greater efforts along these lines could not have reversed the adverse trends I described at the outset—notably, Europe, which was more active in these areas than the United States, has not avoided populist anger—but they would have helped. They might also have muted the disaffection and alienation which our political systems are currently grappling.
Which brings us to the present. Whatever one’s views of Donald Trump, he deserves credit, as a presidential candidate, for recognizing and tapping into the deep frustrations of the American forgotten man, twenty-first-century version. That frustration helped bring Trump to the White House. Whether the new president will follow through in terms of policy, however, is not yet clear. Trump’s economic views, which mirror the odd combinations of factions that make up his coalition, are a somewhat unpredictable mixture of right-wing populism and traditional supply-side Republicanism. ...Ironically, it may be that the most rhetorically populist president since Andrew Jackson will, in practice, not be populist enough.
I’m hardly the first to observe that Trump’s election sends an important message, which I’ve summarized this evening as: sometimes, growth is not enough. Healthy aggregate figures can disguise unhealthy underlying trends. Indeed, the dynamism of growing economies can involve the destruction of human and social capital as well as the creation of new markets, products, and processes.
The credibility of economists has been damaged by our insufficient attention, over the years, to the problems of economic adjustment and by our proclivity toward top-down, rather than bottom-up, policies. Nevertheless, as a profession we have expertise that can help make the policy response more effective, and I think we have a responsibility to contribute wherever we can.
- 労働市場改革の注意点
- 米国では労働市場への介入を増やすことをバーナンキは推奨しているが、欧州では介入を減らすべきという話になっている。出発点が違うので、その点に特に矛盾は無い。
- バーナンキはそうした労働市場への介入を、職業訓練のようなフォワードルッキングな政策と、現在の労働者を保護するバックワードルッキングな政策に分類している。戦後の欧州は、米国に比べ、フォワードルッキングな政策とバックワードルッキングな政策を共に多く採用してきた。
- 現在の欧州ではバックワードルッキングな政策の削減が叫ばれている。それは適切なことだが、2つの政策の区別には留意すべき。例えば、現在の労働者の保護を弱める際には、労働市場の必要な調整を支援するための積極政策を減らすのではなく増やすべき。
- 短期の景気循環の問題と、長期的成長や改革の問題を分けて論じるべき
- 欧州は米国に比べて景気回復が遅れているため、改革に当たってはマクロ経済環境を無視できない。
- 昨日エントリで引用した構造改革とマクロ経済政策の違い。
- 政府への信頼
- これは欧米に共通した課題だが、欧州にはさらに経済の統一という課題がある。
- ただ、労働市場や中小企業の規制という分野では、国や地域ごとの違いを残した方が即応性や効果が高まるのではないか。